- universal time system
- система единого времени
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Universal Time — (UT) is a timescale based on the rotation of the Earth. It is a modern continuation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), i.e., the mean solar time on the meridian of Greenwich, and GMT is sometimes used loosely as a synonym for UTC. In fact the… … Wikipedia
Universal Time Coordinated — Die koordinierte Weltzeit (UTC, Coordinated Universal Time[1]) ist die aktuelle Weltzeit. Sie hat in dieser Funktion die Mittlere Greenwichzeit (Greenwich Mean Time – GMT) bereits 1926 abgelöst. Sie ist eine Kombination aus der internationalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Universal Time — (UT or Z) the correct name for the time system previously called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): the standard time at longitude 0°. Universal Time is five hours later than Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. It is always stated on the 24 hour clock;… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Universal Time — Die Universal Time (UT) ist die durch astronomische Beobachtung gewonnene mittlere Ortszeit des durch die Sternwarte von Greenwich führenden Nullmeridians. Sie ist eine universelle Zeitskala, welche die wahre Erdrotation widerspiegelt. In den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Universal Time — /junəvɜsəl ˈtaɪm/ (say yoohnuhversuhl tuym) noun 1. a system of time measurement based on Greenwich Mean Time, but counted from 0 h, which is equivalent to midnight Greenwich Mean Time, introduced in 1928 and used internationally until the… …
Coordinated Universal Time — UTC redirects here. For other uses, see UTC (disambiguation). Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated UTC) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich… … Wikipedia
Coordinated Universal Time — Die koordinierte Weltzeit (UTC, Coordinated Universal Time[1]) ist die aktuelle Weltzeit. Sie hat in dieser Funktion die Mittlere Greenwichzeit (Greenwich Mean Time – GMT) bereits 1926 abgelöst. Sie ist eine Kombination aus der internationalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Coordinated Universal Time — noun a system of time measurement used to regulate time and clocks around the world, based on International Atomic Time with leap seconds added at irregular intervals to compensate for the earth s slowing rotation; except in highly technical… …
Universal health care — is health care coverage which is extended to all eligible residents of a governmental region. Universal health care programs vary widely in their structure and funding mechanisms, particularly the degree to which they are publicly funded.… … Wikipedia
Time from NPL — Map showing the location of the Anthorn VLF transmitter within Cumbria … Wikipedia
Time in Australia — UTC+08:00 … Wikipedia