universal robot

universal robot
универсальный робот

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "universal robot" в других словарях:

  • The Universal Robot Band — were an American music group comprising Gregory Carmichael, Patrick Adams, Leroy Burgess, Gregory Tolbert and Woody Cunningham.They were formed by Patrick Adams and Greg Carmichael in 1976, their debut single was Dance And Shake Your Tambourine… …   Wikipedia

  • robot — [ rɔbo ] n. m. • 1924; du tchèque robota « travail forcé », pour désigner des « ouvriers artificiels », dans une pièce de K. Čapek 1 ♦ Machine, automate à l aspect humain, capable de se mouvoir et d agir. ⇒ androïde, humanoïde. Par ext. Individu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Robot software — is the coded commands that tell a mechanical device (known as a robot) what tasks to perform and control its actions. Robot software is used to perform tasks and automate tasks to be performed. Programming robots is a non trivial task. Many… …   Wikipedia

  • Robot — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Robot (desambiguación). Un robot es una entidad virtual o mecánica artificial. En la práctica, esto es por lo general un sistema electromecánico que, por su apariencia o sus… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Robot Koch — (* 1977 in Kassel; bürgerlich Robert Koch) ist ein in Berlin lebender Musikproduzent. Er ist Produzent der Gruppe Jahcoozi, die auf dem Berliner Label BPitch Control veröffentlichen. Auch als Solokünstler ist er unter dem Namen Robot Koch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Robot industrial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El campo de la robótica industrial puede definirse como el estudio, diseño y uso de robots para la ejecución de procesos industriales. Más formalmente, el estándar ISO (ISO 8373:1994, Robots industriales… …   Wikipedia Español

  • robot — ROBÓT, roboţi, s.m. Maşină ale cărei mişcări pot fi programate astfel încât să execute activităţi similare cu cele efectuate de om. Termenul de robot apare prima dată în 1921 în piesa scriitorului ceh Karel Čapek Rossum s Universal Robots şi… …   Dicționar Român

  • robot — (n.) 1923, from English translation of 1920 play R.U.R. ( Rossum s Universal Robots ), by Karel Capek (1890 1938), from Czech robotnik slave, from robota forced labor, drudgery, from robotiti to work, drudge, from an Old Czech source akin to Old… …   Etymology dictionary

  • robot — ► NOUN ▪ a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer. DERIVATIVES robotize (also robotise) verb. ORIGIN from Czech robota forced labour ; the term was coined in K. apek s… …   English terms dictionary

  • robot — [rō′bät΄] n. [< Czech robota, forced labor < OSlav rabota, menial labor < rabu, servant < IE base * orbho : see ORPHAN] 1. a) any anthropomorphic mechanical being, as those in Karel Čapek s play R.U.R. (Rossum s Universal Robots),… …   English World dictionary

  • Robot — This article is about mechanical robots. For other uses of the term, see robot (disambiguation). For software agents, see Bot. ASIMO (2000) at the Expo 2005, a humanoid robot …   Wikipedia

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