universal postal
Смотреть что такое "universal postal" в других словарях:
Universal Postal Union — (UPU) An international postal organization that is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its 189 member countries form a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of letter post items. Its Convention establishes the common rules… … Glossary of postal terms
Universal Postal Union — [juːnɪ vəːsl pəʊstl juːnjən; englisch], der Weltpostverein … Universal-Lexikon
Universal Postal Union — Infobox UN name = Union postale universelle Universal Postal Union image size = 200px caption = The UPU flag type = UN agency acronyms = UPU head = flagicon|FRA Edouard Dayan status = Active established = October 9, 1874 headquarters =… … Wikipedia
Universal Postal Union — an international organization, formed in Bern, Switzerland (1875), that administers and regulates international postal service. Abbr.: UPU Formerly, General Postal Union. * * * ▪ international postal agency (UPU) specialized agency of the… … Universalium
Universal Postal Union — A worldwide postal organization to which the United States and most other countries are members. The exchange of mail, except parcel post, between the United States and other nations is governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union… … Military dictionary
Universal Postal Union — noun A worldwide postal organization to which most countries are members. The exchange of mail, except parcel post, between the United States and other nations is governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union convention<ref name=… … Wiktionary
universal postal service — universalioji pašto paslauga statusas Aprobuotas sritis paštas apibrėžtis Teisės aktų nustatytos kokybės pašto paslauga, kuri už prieinamą kainą turi buti teikiama visoje Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje visiems tokią paslaugą pageidaujantiems… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
universal postal service provider — universaliosios pašto paslaugos teikėjas statusas Aprobuotas sritis paštas apibrėžtis Pašto paslaugos teikėjas, Vyriausybės įpareigotas teikti universaliąją pašto paslaugą Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje. atitikmenys: angl. universal postal… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Universal Postal Union — n. UPU, international specialized agency of the United Nations formed in Switzerland in 1875 that administers and governs international postal service (formerly was called General Postal Union ) … English contemporary dictionary
Universal Postal Union — an international organization, formed in Bern, Switzerland (1875), that administers and regulates international postal service. Abbr.: UPU Formerly, General Postal Union … Useful english dictionary
Universal Postal Union — ⇡ UPU … Lexikon der Economics