universal naming convention
Смотреть что такое "universal naming convention" в других словарях:
Universal Naming Convention — En informatique, Universal Naming Convention ou Uniform Naming Convention abrégé UNC est une convention sur une manière de définir l’adresse d’une ressource sur un réseau, mise en œuvre par Microsoft Windows. Plutôt que de spécifier une lettre de … Wikipédia en Français
Universal Naming Convention — Uniform Naming Convention (auch Universal Naming Convention, kurz UNC) wird weitgehend als Standard zur Bezeichnung von Adressen freigegebener Ressourcen in einem Rechnernetz genutzt. Die UNC Adresse stellt einen Netzwerkpfad dar, über den man… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multiple Universal Naming Convention Provider — Abbreviated MUP. In Microsoft Windows 2000, a function that allows two or more Universal Naming Convention (UNC) providers to exist at the same time. MUP decides which UNC provider should handle the UNC request and forwards the request to… … Dictionary of networking
Universal Naming Convention — Abbreviated UNC. In Microsoft Windows NT Server, a scheme used to gain access to a shared resource. The general form of a UNC is: servernamesharenamepathfilename The servername portion identifies the name of the server where the… … Dictionary of networking
Uniform Naming Convention — Universal Naming Convention En informatique, Universal Naming Convention ou Uniform Naming Convention abrégé UNC est une convention sur une manière de définir l’adresse d’une ressource sur un réseau, mise en œuvre par Microsoft Windows. Plutôt… … Wikipédia en Français
Uniform Naming Convention — (auch Universal Naming Convention, kurz UNC) wird weitgehend als Standard zur Bezeichnung von Adressen freigegebener Ressourcen in einem Rechnernetz genutzt. Die UNC Adresse stellt einen Netzwerkpfad dar, über den man Ressourcen anderer Rechner… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Product naming convention — A product naming convention is a method of naming products so that customers and industry can understand or identify a product quickly. Use of numbers and letters can help sort out sections or parts of a name. Special characters should be omitted … Wikipedia
Universal Data Element Framework — The Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF) provides the foundation for building an enterprise wide controlled vocabulary. It is a standard way of indexing enterprise information that can produce big cost savings. UDEF simplifies information… … Wikipedia
Product naming — is the discipline of deciding what a product will be called, and is very similar in concept and approach to the process of deciding on a name for a company or organization. Product naming is considered a critical part of the branding process,… … Wikipedia
Persian Gulf naming dispute — Map of the Persian Gulf The name of the body of water separating the Arabian Peninsula from the Iranian plateau, historically and internationally known as the Persian Gulf after the land of Persia (Iran), has been disputed by some Arab countries… … Wikipedia
Nucleotide universal IDentifier — The nucleotide universal IDentifier (nuID) is designed to uniquely and globally identify oligonucleotide microarray probes. Oligonucleotide probes of microarrays that are sequence identical may have different identifiers between manufacturers and … Wikipedia