universal cap

universal cap
мат. универсальная шапка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "universal cap" в других словарях:

  • Universal health care — is health care coverage which is extended to all eligible residents of a governmental region. Universal health care programs vary widely in their structure and funding mechanisms, particularly the degree to which they are publicly funded.… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal (metafísica) — Universal es la cualidad que hace referencia al Universo. Universum, Grabado Flammarion ,xilografía, publicada en París 1888. El Universo y lo universal se definen como conceptos respecto a diversos ámbitos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Universal Wrestling Federation (Bill Watts) — Universal Wrestling Federation Acronym UWF Founded 1950s NWA Tri State 1979 (Mid South) 1986 (UWF) …   Wikipedia

  • Universal life insurance — Universal Life is a type of permanent life insurance based on a cash value. That is, the policy is established with the insurer where premium payments above the cost of insurance are credited to the cash value. The cash value is credited each… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal Century technology — O Niell Island 3 type space colony cylinders Universal Century technology are technologies from the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam anime metaseries. Although they are only fictional technologies, they form the basics of the Real Robot… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal Carrier — …   Википедия

  • Universal veil — The universal veil is a mycological term to describe a structure that envelops all or most of some gilled mushrooms. The young, developing button mushroom, which may resemble a puffball at this point, is protected by this egg like structure. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal Synod of Ingelheim — The Universal Synod of Ingelheim began on June 7, 948 in the then church of Saint Remigius in Ingelheim.Being summoned by Pope Agapet II. its primary goal was to resolve a long running Schism concerning the archiepiscopal see of Reims. The synod… …   Wikipedia

  • universal veil — noun membrane initially completely investing the young sporophore of various mushrooms that is ruptured by growth; represented in the mature mushroom by a volva around lower part of stem and scales on upper surface of the cap • Hypernyms: ↑veil,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of Universal Century technology — This is a list of fictional technology from the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam anime metaseries. Real Life History These technologies first debuted in Gundam Century , written by fans at that time, later endorsed by Sunrise and Bandai,… …   Wikipedia

  • SQ universal group — In mathematics, in the realm of group theory, a countable group is said to be SQ universal if every countable group can be embedded in one of its quotient groups. SQ universality can be thought of as a measure of largeness or complexity of a… …   Wikipedia

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