- unitary probability
- мат. единичная вероятность
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Quantum probability — was developed in the 1980s as a noncommutative analog of the Kolmogorovian stochastic processes theory. One of its aims is to clarify the probabilistic mathematical foundations of quantum theory and its statistical interpretation.Significant… … Wikipedia
Quantum decoherence — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Photon polarization — is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. Individual photons are completely polarized. Their polarization state can be linear or circular, or it can be elliptical, which is anywhere in … Wikipedia
Fourier transform — Fourier transforms Continuous Fourier transform Fourier series Discrete Fourier transform Discrete time Fourier transform Related transforms The Fourier transform is a mathematical operation that decomposes a function into its constituent… … Wikipedia
Quantum logic — In mathematical physics and quantum mechanics, quantum logic is a set of rules for reasoning about propositions which takes the principles of quantum theory into account. This research area and its name originated in the 1936 paper by Garrett… … Wikipedia
Quantum finite automata — In quantum computing, quantum finite automata or QFA are a quantum analog of probabilistic automata. They are related to quantum computers in a similar fashion as finite automata are related to Turing machines. Several types of automata may be… … Wikipedia
Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Many-worlds interpretation — The quantum mechanical Schrödinger s cat paradox according to the many worlds interpretation. In this interpretation every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the alive and dead cats are in… … Wikipedia
Dirac equation — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) … Wikipedia
Discrete Fourier transform — Fourier transforms Continuous Fourier transform Fourier series Discrete Fourier transform Discrete time Fourier transform Related transforms In mathematics, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a specific kind of discrete transform, used in… … Wikipedia
Fidelity of quantum states — In quantum information theory, fidelity is a measure of the closeness of two quantum states. It is not a metric on the space of density matrices. Motivation In probability theory, given two random variables p = ( p 1... pn ) and q = ( q 1... qn ) … Wikipedia