unit of viscosity
Смотреть что такое "unit of viscosity" в других словарях:
unit of viscosity — noun a unit of measurement for viscosity • Hypernyms: ↑unit of measurement, ↑unit • Hyponyms: ↑poise … Useful english dictionary
viscosity — /vi skos i tee/, n., pl. viscosities. 1. the state or quality of being viscous. 2. Physics. a. the property of a fluid that resists the force tending to cause the fluid to flow. b. the measure of the extent to which a fluid possesses this… … Universalium
unit of measurement — noun any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange the dollar is the United States unit of currency a unit of wheat is a bushel change per unit volume • Syn: ↑unit • Derivationally related forms: ↑unitize ( … Useful english dictionary
viscosity — ► NOUN (pl. viscosties) 1) the state of being viscous. 2) a quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow … English terms dictionary
Engineering unit of viscosity — Техническая единица вязкости … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Viscosity — For other uses, see Viscosity (disambiguation). Viscosity The substance above has lower viscosity than the substance below SI symbol: μ, η SI unit: Pa·s … Wikipedia
viscosity — In general, the resistance to flow or alteration of shape by any substance as a result of molecular cohesion; most frequently applied to liquids as the resistance of a fluid to flow because of a shearing force. [L. viscositas, fr. viscosus,… … Medical dictionary
viscosity — n. (pl. ies) 1 the quality or degree of being viscous. 2 Physics a (of a fluid) internal friction, the resistance to flow. b a quantity expressing this. Phrases and idioms: dynamic viscosity a quantity measuring the force needed to overcome… … Useful english dictionary
viscosity — noun (plural ties) Etymology: Middle English viscosite, from Anglo French viscosité, from Medieval Latin viscositat , viscositas, from Late Latin viscosus viscous Date: 14th century 1. the quality or state of being viscous 2. the property of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
viscosity — noun a) The state of being viscous. b) A quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform … Wiktionary
viscosity — [vɪ skɒsɪti] noun (plural viscosities) the state of being viscous. ↘a quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow … English new terms dictionary