unit of trading
Смотреть что такое "unit of trading" в других словарях:
unit of trading — See: trading unit. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
unit of trading — unita di contrattazione Durante le operazioni di Borsa è costituita dal numero di titoli che vengono abitualmente trattati sul mercato, ad es. i quantitativi minimi di contrattazione per i titoli azionari, oppure i tagli medi tipici delle… … Glossario di economia e finanza
Trading Places International — (TPI) is an independent corporation located in Laguna Niguel, California. TPI provides a full spectrum of vacation services to vacation interval owners, resort associations and resort developers. They rank third worldwide in independent vacation… … Wikipedia
Trading while insolvent — is unlawful in a number of legal systems, and may result in the directors becoming personally liable for a company s assets. Under UK insolvency law trading once a company is legally insolvent can trigger several provisions of the Insolvency Act… … Wikipedia
Unit Valuation System — The Unit Valuation System (UVS) was developed by Mutual Funds and Unit Trusts, as a means of determining fund performance in an environment where there are frequent cash contributions and withdrawals. The UVS is commonly used by Investment Clubs… … Wikipedia
Trading curb — A trading curb, also known as a circuit breaker, is a point at which a stock market will stop trading for a period of time in response to substantial drops in value.Circuit breakersOn the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one type of trading curb… … Wikipedia
unit — More than one class of securities traded together ( e.g., one common share and three subscription warrants ). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Securities representing a portion of assets pooled by investors: run by a management company whose share… … Financial and business terms
Trading while insolvent (UK) — In many legal systems, once a company becomes insolvent, the directors have to take particular care. Under UK law, trading while insolvent can trigger several provisions under the Insolvency Act 1986 which may have the effect of making directors… … Wikipedia
Unit trust — A unit trust is a form of collective investment constituted under a trust deed.Found in Australia, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jersey, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore [Lee, Boon Keng and Ong, Andy. Personal Financial Planning in Singapore. INS … Wikipedia
trading unit — The number of shares of a particular security that is used as the acceptable quantity for trading on the exchanges. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Pre-Arranged Trading — The buying and selling of futures, options or commodities that occurs between brokers or dealers at an agreed upon price. The practice of pre arranged trading is illegal under the Commodity Exchange Act and Commodity Futures Trading Commission… … Investment dictionary