unit heater
Смотреть что такое "unit heater" в других словарях:
unit heater — noun : a heater consisting essentially of a fan or blower and an indirect radiator enclosed in a common casing and designed to circulate and warm the air of a continuous enclosed space (as a room) … Useful english dictionary
Heater — A heater is any object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are commonly used to generate heating (ie. warmth).Types of heaters*Block heater *Cathy heater *Central… … Wikipedia
heater core — A finned unit through which coolant from the engine flows and over which air entering the passenger compartment passes … Dictionary of automotive terms
Crankcase heater — A crankcase heater is an electrical component in a compressor in an air conditioning system, heat pump system, or a chiller system. The crankcase heater is normally ON all the time even when the unit is not running, though temperature sensors and … Wikipedia
Kerosene heater — A kerosene heater, also known as a paraffin heater, is a portable, unvented, kerosene fueled, space heating device. In the United States they are used mainly for supplemental heat or as a source of emergency heat during a power outage. In some… … Wikipedia
Baptistry heater — A baptistry heater is water heating device used in baptistry pools by various religions throughout the world. Three main types of heaters are immersion, circulation and gas/LP. A baptistry heater can range from 3 kW to 12 kW of power and can heat … Wikipedia
Fan heater — Unreferenced|date=May 2008A fan heater is a heater that works by using a fan to pass air over a heating element. This heats up the air, which then leaves the heater, warming up the surrounding area. They can provide very rapid heating of a room,… … Wikipedia
Storage heater — A storage heater is an electrical appliance which stores heat at a time when base load electricity is available at a low price, usually during the night, and releases it during the day. Heat is usually stored in clay bricks or other ceramic… … Wikipedia
Chip heater — The chip heater is a single point, tankless, domestic hot water system popular in Australia and New Zealand from c1880s until the 1960s. Examples of this form of domestic water heating are still in current use. The chip heater consisted of a… … Wikipedia
Radioisotope heater unit — Radioisotope heater units are small devices that provide heat through radioactive decay. They are similar to tiny radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG), and normally provide about one watt of heat each, derived from the decay of a few… … Wikipedia
space heater — noun heater consisting of a self contained (usually portable) unit to warm a room • Hypernyms: ↑heater, ↑warmer • Hyponyms: ↑electric heater, ↑electric fire * * * noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] US : a small device that is used for heating a room * * *… … Useful english dictionary