unit graph

unit graph
единичный гидрограф

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unit graph" в других словарях:

  • Unit disk graph — In geometric graph theory, a unit disk graph is the intersection graph of a family of unit circles in the Euclidean plane. That is, we form a vertex for each circle, and connect two vertices by an edge whenever the corresponding circles cross… …   Wikipedia

  • graph — graph1 [graf, gräf] n. [short for graphic formula] 1. a diagram, as a curve, broken line, or series of bars, representing various kinds of quantitative information and relationships, such as the successive changes in a variable quantity or… …   English World dictionary

  • graph|eme — «GRAF eem», noun. Linguistics. the smallest distinctive unit of the written language; any form of a letter or combination of letters that represents a speech sound: »A writing system consists of a set of graphemes plus certain characteristic… …   Useful english dictionary

  • graph|o|scope — «GRAF uh skohp», noun. a computer display unit on which the data can be modified by the use of a light pen or similar device …   Useful english dictionary

  • Unit distance graph — In mathematics, and particularly geometric graph theory, a unit distance graph is a graph formed from a collection of points in the Euclidean plane by connecting two points by an edge whenever the distance between the two points is exactly one.… …   Wikipedia

  • Graph coloring — A proper vertex coloring of the Petersen graph with 3 colors, the minimum number possible. In graph theory, graph coloring is a special case of graph labeling; it is an assignment of labels traditionally called colors to elements of a graph… …   Wikipedia

  • GRaPH-Int — The Genome based Research and Population Health International Network (GRaPH Int) is an international collaboration of experts and researchers focused in the area of population health. The principal goal of the network is to promote the… …   Wikipedia

  • -graph — comb. form forming nouns and verbs meaning: 1 a thing written or drawn etc. in a specified way (autograph; photograph). 2 an instrument that records (heliograph; seismograph; telegraph). * * * ˌgraf, aa(ə)f, aif, ȧf noun combining form ( s)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Unit disk — For other uses, see Disc (disambiguation). An open Euclidean unit disk In mathematics, the open unit disk (or disc) around P (where P is a given point in the plane), is the set of points whose distance from P is less than 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Unit interval — For the data transmission signaling interval, see Unit interval (data transmission). In mathematics, the unit interval is the closed interval [0,1], that is, the set of all real numbers that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal… …   Wikipedia

  • graph — I. noun Etymology: short for graphic formula Date: 1886 1. the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (as a function) 2. a diagram (as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) that… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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