unit constituent
Смотреть что такое "unit constituent" в других словарях:
Constituent country — is a phrase sometimes used in contexts in which a country makes up a part of a larger entity. The term constituent country does not have any defined legal meaning, and is used simply to refer to a country which is a part (i.e. a constituent) of… … Wikipedia
constituent — con·stit·u·ent 1 /kən sti chə wənt/ n 1: one who authorizes another to act as agent: principal 2: a member of a constituency constituent 2 adj: having the power to create a government or to frame or amend a constitution … Law dictionary
Constituent — or constituency may refer to: Contents 1 In politics 2 In the physical sciences 3 Other meanings 4 See also In … Wikipedia
constituent — [adj1] component, part basic, combining, composing, constituting, division, elemental, essential, factor, forming, fraction, fundamental, ingredient, integral, portion; concepts 826,834,835 Ant. whole constituent [adj2] voting balloter, citizen,… … New thesaurus
unit — I (department) noun branch, division, group, staff II (item) noun ace, component, constituent, element, formation, integral, measure, monad, one, part, piece, quantity III index band … Law dictionary
unit — [n1] whole assemblage, assembly, bunch, complement, crew, crowd, detachment, entirety, entity, gang, group, mob, one, outfit, ring, section, system, total, totality; concepts 432,837 Ant. part, piece unit [n2] part arm, block, component,… … New thesaurus
Constituent (linguistics) — In syntactic analysis, a constituent is a word or a group of words that functions as a single unit within a hierarchical structure. Phrases (noun phrases, verbal phrases, etc.) are usually constituents of a clause, but clauses may also be… … Wikipedia
unit — n. single constituent of a whole 1) a basic, primary unit military formation 2) to activate; form a unit 3) to commit a unit (to combat) 4) to deactivate; disband a unit 5) an advance, advanced; airborne; armored; combat; crack, elite; mechanized … Combinatory dictionary
constituent — I. noun Etymology: French constituant, from Middle French, from present participle of constituer to constitute, from Latin constituere Date: 1622 1. one who authorizes another to act as agent ; principal 2. a member of a constituency 3. an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Unit of selection — A unit of selection is a biological entity within the hierarchy of biological organisation (e.g. genes, cells, individuals, groups, species) that is subject to natural selection. For several decades there has been intense debate among… … Wikipedia
unit — I. noun Etymology: back formation from unity Date: 1570 1. a. the first and least natural number ; one b. a single quantity regarded as a whole in calculation 2. a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, or value) adopted as a standard of … New Collegiate Dictionary