unissued capital

unissued capital
невыпущенный акционерный капитал

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unissued capital" в других словарях:

  • unissued capital — ➔ capital …   Financial and business terms

  • unissued capital — /ʌnˈɪʃud ˌkæpətəl/ (say un ishoohd .kapuhtuhl) noun the difference in the value of shares which a company is entitled to issue and the number which it has issued; that is, the difference between authorised capital and paid up capital …  

  • unissued capital — /ʌn ɪʃu:d kæpɪtl/ noun capital which a company is authorised to issue but has not issued as shares …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • unissued — UK US /ˌʌnˈɪʃuːd/ adjective FINANCE ► unissued shares, etc. have been approved for sale by a company and the authorities, but have not yet been officially offered for sale on a stock market: »Authorized but unissued capital stock may be issued… …   Financial and business terms

  • capital — the total owned and borrowed funds in a business. Glossary of Business Terms (1) Usually refers to the total of the equity accounts in a firm. For a bank, the equity accounts are common and preferred stock, surplus, and undivided profits. For… …   Financial and business terms

  • Capital — Money invested in a firm. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * capital cap‧i‧tal [ˈkæptl] noun [uncountable] 1. ECONOMICS money or property used to produce wealth: • Countries around the world are hungry for capital and economic… …   Financial and business terms

  • unissued share capital — The excess of the authorized share capital over the issued share capital, i.e. that part of the authorized share capital that has not yet been issued …   Accounting dictionary

  • unissued share capital — The difference between the authorized share capital of a company and the issued share capital …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • capital stock — /kæpətl ˈstɒk/ (say kapuhtl stok) noun 1. the total shares issued by a company. 2. the book value of all the shares of a company, including unissued shares and those not completely paid in …  

  • Authorised capital — The authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the authorised share capital or the nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised by its constitutional… …   Wikipedia

  • alteration of share capital — An increase, reduction, or any other change in the authorized share capital of a company. If permitted by the articles of association, a limited company can increase its authorized capital as appropriate. It can also rearrange its existing… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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