unipotent group
Смотреть что такое "unipotent group" в других словарях:
Unipotent — In mathematics, a unipotent element r of a ring R is one such that r − 1 is a nilpotent element, in other words such that some power ( r − 1) n is zero.In particular a square matrix M is a unipotent matrix if and only if its characteristic… … Wikipedia
Unipotent representation — In mathematics, a unipotent representation of a reductive group is a representation that has some similarities with unipotent conjugacy classes of groups. Informally, Langlands philosophy suggests that there should be a correspondence between… … Wikipedia
Reductive group — In mathematics, a reductive group is an algebraic group G such that the unipotent radical of the identity component of G is trivial. Any semisimple algebraic group and any algebraic torus is reductive, as is any general linear group.The name… … Wikipedia
Conductor of an abelian variety — In mathematics, in Diophantine geometry, the conductor of an abelian variety defined over a local or global field F is a measure of how bad the bad reduction at some prime is. It is connected to the ramification in the field generated by the… … Wikipedia
Algebraic torus — In mathematics, an algebraic torus is a type of commutative affine algebraic group. These groups were named by analogy with the theory of tori in Lie group theory (see maximal torus). The theory of tori is in some sense opposite to that of… … Wikipedia
Iwasawa decomposition — In mathematics, the Iwasawa decomposition KAN of a semisimple Lie group generalises the way a square real matrix can be written as a product of an orthogonal matrix and an upper triangular matrix (a consequence of Gram Schmidt orthogonalization) … Wikipedia
Deligne–Lusztig theory — In mathematics, Deligne–Lusztig theory is a way of constructing linear representations of finite groups of Lie type using ℓ adic cohomology with compact support, introduced by Deligne Lusztig (1976). Lusztig (1984) used these representations to… … Wikipedia
Springer correspondence — In mathematics, the Springer representations are certain representations of the Weyl group W associated to unipotent conjugacy classes of a semisimple algebraic group G . There is another parameter involved, a representation of a certain finite… … Wikipedia
Ratner's theorems — In mathematics, Ratner s theorems is a group of major theorems in ergodic theory concerning unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces proved by Marina Ratner around 1990. The study of the dynamics of unipotent flows played decisive role in the proof… … Wikipedia
Special classes of semigroups — In mathematics, a semigroup is a nonempty set together with an associative binary operation. A special class of semigroups is a class of semigroups satisfying additional properties or conditions. Thus the class of commutative semigroups consists… … Wikipedia
Witt vector — In mathematics, a Witt vector is an infinite sequence of elements of a commutative ring. Ernst Witt showed how to put a ring structure on the set of Witt vectors, in such a way that the ring of Witt vectors over the finite field of order p is the … Wikipedia