- unipolar
- униполярный, машиностр. однополюсный - unipolar generator - unipolar neuron - unipolar transistor
(специальное) униполярный;
однополюсный - * conductivity одностороняя проводимость
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unipolar — may refer to:* Unipolar depression or unipolar disorder: a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual s social functioning and/or activities of daily living * Unipolar… … Wikipedia
Unipolar — U ni*po lar, a. [Uni + polar.] 1. (Physics) Having, or acting by means of, one pole only. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Having but one pole or process; applied to those ganglionic nerve cells which have but one radiating process; opposed to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unipolar — UNIPOLÁR, Ă, unipolari, e, adj. Care are un singur pol. ♦ (Despre celulele nervoase) Al cărei corp celular are o singură prelungire. – Din fr. unipolaire. Trimis de valeriu, 03.04.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 unipolár adj. m., pl. unipolári; f … Dicționar Român
unipolar — Relativo a las neuronas con un solo polo, como la neurona que consta de axón pero no de dendritas. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
unipolar — 1812, from UNI (Cf. uni ) + POLAR (Cf. polar) … Etymology dictionary
unipolar — adj. 2 g. 1. Que tem um só polo. 2. [Física] Diz se dos fios de uma pilha que só conduzem uma eletricidade … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
unipolar — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having or relating to a single pole or extremity … English terms dictionary
unipolar — [yo͞on΄əpō′lər] adj. 1. Elec. of or having only one magnetic or electric pole 2. Zool. designating a nerve cell, as in spinal ganglia, having only one process unipolarity [yo͞on΄ə pō′ler′e tē] n … English World dictionary
Unipolar — Als unipolar werden bezeichnet: Elektrotechnik Es treten nur Ladungsträger einer Polarität auf (zum Beispiel Elektronen als bewegliche Ladungsträger in Metallen) Bei Spannungsquellen: Eine Gleichspannungs Quelle mit zwei Anschlüssen, von denen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
unipolar — 1. Having but one pole; denoting a nerve cell from which the branches project from one side only. 2. Situated at one extremity only of a cell. * * * uni·po·lar .yü ni pō lər adj 1) having but one process <a unipolar neuron> 2) relating to… … Medical dictionary
unipolar — adjective Date: 1965 relating to, affected with, or being a manic depressive disorder in which there is only a depressive phase < unipolar depression > … New Collegiate Dictionary