- uninterrupted activity
- постоянная деятельность, непрекращающаяся деятельность
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
activity — n. 1) to engage in, participate in, take part in an activity (all students take part in extracurricular activities) 2) to resume one s activities 3) to break off, terminate an activity 4) to curb; paralyze activity (business activity was… … Combinatory dictionary
2004 and later volcanic activity of Mount St. Helens — The 2004 and later volcanic activity of Mount St. Helens has been documented as a continuous eruption with a gradual extrusion of magma at the Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington, United States. Starting in October 2004 and ceasing in January… … Wikipedia
continual — continual, continuous, constant, incessant, unremitting, perpetual, perennial are comparable when meaning characterized by continued occurrence or recurrence over a relatively long period of time. Continual implies a close or unceasing succession … New Dictionary of Synonyms
perpetual — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Never stopping] Syn. continuous, unceasing, constant, ceaseless, never ceasing, incessant, permanent, lasting, perennial, uninterrupted, eternal, endless, everlasting, interminable, unremitting, enduring, continued,… … English dictionary for students
indefatigable — indefatigable, tireless, weariless, untiring, unwearying, unwearied, unflagging are comparable in their basic meaning of not feeling or manifesting fatigue, but they are closer synonyms in their extended sense of capable of prolonged and arduous… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
continual — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French continuel, from Latin continuus continuous Date: 14th century 1. continuing indefinitely in time without interruption < continual fear > 2. recurring in steady … New Collegiate Dictionary
Religion in Albania — The majority of Albanians today are either atheists or agnostics. According to the International Religious Freedom Report 2007 [U.S. Department of State International Religious Freedom Report 2007 [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2007/90160.htm… … Wikipedia
Grand Théâtre de Genève — is an opera house in Geneva, Switzerland.As is the case with many other opera houses, the Grand Théâtre de Genève is both a venue and an institution. The venue is a majestic building, towering over Place Neuve, officially opened in 1876, partly… … Wikipedia
Carmelo Torres — Bernardo del Carmen Fregoso Cázares, who worked and lived under the name Carmelo Torres Fregoso (La Barca, Jalisco, Mexico, July 16, 1927 – Caracas, Venezuela, January 29, 2003) was a matador, businessman, journalist, author and TV producer. He… … Wikipedia
Madí — For other uses, see Madi (disambiguation). Madí (or MADI) is an international abstract art movement initiated in Buenos Aires in 1946 by the Hungarian Argentinian artist and poet Gyula Kosice and the Uruguayans Carmelo Arden Quin and Rhod… … Wikipedia
continual — [kən tin′yo͞o əl] adj. [ME continuel < OFr < L continuus: see CONTINUE] 1. happening over and over again; repeated often; going on in rapid succession 2. going on uninterruptedly; continuous continually adv. SYN. CONTINUAL applies to that… … English World dictionary