Unimproved — Un im*proved , a. 1. Not improved; not made better or wiser; not advanced in knowledge, manners, or excellence. [1913 Webster] 2. Not used; not employed; especially, not used or employed for a valuable purpose; as, unimproved opportunities;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unimproved — [un΄im pro͞ovd′] adj. 1. not bettered, improved, or developed [unimproved land, with no buildings on it] 2. not used to good advantage 3. not improved in health … English World dictionary
unimproved — 1660s, not made better, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of IMPROVE (Cf. improve). Sense of not developed or taken advantage of is recorded from 1781 … Etymology dictionary
unimproved — I. adjective Date: 1602 obsolete not reproved or admonished II. adjective Date: 1665 not improved: as a. not tilled, built on, or otherwise improved for use < unimproved land > b. not used or employed advantageously < unimproved … New Collegiate Dictionary
unimproved — /un im proohvd /, adj. 1. not developed to full potential, as resources or the mind. 2. not showing improvement, as one s health, appearance, etc. 3. (of land) not fitted for a profitable use, as by clearing, cultivation, addition of facilities… … Universalium
unimproved — un•im•proved [[t]ˌʌn ɪmˈpruvd[/t]] adj. 1) not developed to full potential, as the mind 2) not showing improvement, as one s health 3) not used to advantage; neglected: an unimproved opportunity[/ex] 4) gen bus not made more useful, productive,… … From formal English to slang
unimproved — adjective Not improved … Wiktionary
unimproved — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. ordinary, in a natural state, untutored; see rough 1 , wild 1 … English dictionary for students
unimproved — adj. lacking improvement … English contemporary dictionary
unimproved — adjective not improved. ↘(of land) not cleared or cultivated … English new terms dictionary
unimproved — a. 1. Untaught, untutored, unenlightened, uneducated, undeveloped. 2. Unused, unemployed. 3. Uncultivated, untilled, unoccupied … New dictionary of synonyms