Unimodular — In mathematics, unimodular may refer to any of the following:* unimodular lattice * unimodular matrix * unimodular form * unimodular group … Wikipedia
Unimodular — In diesem Glossar werden kurze Erklärungen mathematischer Attribute gesammelt. Unter einem Attribut wird eine Eigenschaft verstanden, die einem mathematischen Objekt zugesprochen wird. Ein Attribut hat oft die Form eines Adjektivs (endlich, offen … Deutsch Wikipedia
unimodular — ¦yünə̇ˌ adjective Etymology: uni + modular : represented by, being, or having as each element a square matrix whose determinant has a value of 1 a unimodular group a unimodular transformation * * * /yooh neuh moj euh leuhr/, adj. Math. (of a… … Useful english dictionary
Unimodular matrix — In mathematics, a unimodular matrix M is a square integer matrix with determinant +1 or −1. Equivalently, it is an integer matrix that is invertible over the integers: there is an integer matrix N which is its inverse (these are equivalent under… … Wikipedia
Unimodular lattice — In mathematics, a unimodular lattice is a lattice of discriminant 1 or −1.The E 8 lattice and the Leech lattice are two famous examples. Definitions *A lattice is a free abelian group of finite rank with an integral symmetric bilinear form (·,·) … Wikipedia
Unimodular form — In mathematics, in the module theory of a commutative ring, a bilinear form on a module V is unimodular if it induces an isomorphism :V o V^*. Here V^* denotes the dual module of V … Wikipedia
unimodular group — vienmodulė grupė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. unimodular group vok. unimodulare Gruppe, f rus. унимодулярная группа, f pranc. groupe unimodulaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
unimodular matrix — vienmodulė matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. unimodular matrix vok. unimodulare Matrix, f rus. унимодулярная матрица, f pranc. matrice unimodulaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
unimodular — /yooh neuh moj euh leuhr/, adj. Math. (of a matrix) having its determinant equal to 1. [1865 70; UNI + MODULAR] * * * … Universalium
unimodular — adjective Having a discriminant of 1 or 1. Ant: nonunimodular … Wiktionary
unimodular — uni·modular … English syllables