uniform object

uniform object
мат. равномерный объект

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "uniform object" в других словарях:

  • Uniform acceleration — Uniform, or constant, acceleration is a type of motion in which the velocity of an object changes equal amounts in equal time periods. An example of an object having uniform acceleration would be a ball rolling down a ramp. The object picks up… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform circular motion — There are two types of circular motion: uniform circular motion and non uniform circular motion.Uniform circular motion describes motion in which an object moves with constant speed along a circular path. VelocityFigure 1 illustrates velocity and …   Wikipedia

  • Object-oriented design ontology — An object oriented design ontology [1] is a hierarchical structure of design constructs. Possible constructs that may be included within an object oriented design ontology are: Design patterns [2]; Design principles; Design heuristics [3], [4].… …   Wikipedia

  • Object oriented design ontology — An object oriented design ontology [http://protege.stanford.edu/publications/ontology development/ontology101 noy mcguinness.html] is a hierarchical structure of design constructs. Possible constructs that may be included within an object… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Resource Identifier — Ein Uniform Resource Identifier (Abk. URI; engl. für „einheitlicher Bezeichner für Ressourcen“) ist ein Identifikator und besteht aus einer Zeichenfolge, die zur Identifizierung einer abstrakten oder physischen Ressource dient. URIs werden zur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Uniform access principle — The Uniform Access Principle was put forth by Bertrand Meyer. It states All services offered by a module should be available through a uniform notation, which does not betray whether they are implemented through storage or through computation.… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Firearms Act — The Uniform Firearms Act (UFA) is a set of statutes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that defines the limits of Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, the right to bear arms, which predates the United States Constitution and reads: The… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Resource Name — Pour les articles homonymes, voir URN. Uniform Resource Name (URN), traduit littéralement de l anglais par « nom uniforme de ressource », est le nom d un standard informatique dans le domaine de l Internet qui concerne principalement le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Object (computer science) — In computer science, an object is any entity that can be manipulated by the commands of a programming language, such as a value, variable, function, or data structure. (With the later introduction of object oriented programming the same word,… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Resource Identifier — In computing, a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact string of characters used to identify or name a resource on the Internet. The main purpose of this identification is to enable interaction with representations of the resource over a… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Resource Name — The relationship of URN to URI and URL A Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that uses the urn scheme and does not imply availability of the identified resource. Both URNs (names) and URLs (locators) are URIs, and a …   Wikipedia

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