uniform complex

uniform complex
мат. равномерный комплекс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "uniform complex" в других словарях:

  • complex — [adj1] involved, intricate circuitous, complicated, composite, compound, compounded, confused, conglomerate, convoluted, elaborate, entangled, heterogeneous, knotty, labyrinthine, manifold, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, mixed up, mosaic, motley …   New thesaurus

  • Uniform convergence — In the mathematical field of analysis, uniform convergence is a type of convergence stronger than pointwise convergence. A sequence {fn} of functions converges uniformly to a limiting function f if the speed of convergence of fn(x) to f(x) does… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform star polyhedron — A display of uniform polyhedra at the Science Museum in London …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform norm — This article is about the function space norm. For the finite dimensional vector space distance, see Chebyshev distance. The black square is the set of points in R2 where the sup norm equals a fixed non zero constant. In mathematical analysis,… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform boundedness principle — In mathematics, the uniform boundedness principle or Banach–Steinhaus theorem is one of the fundamental results in functional analysis. Together with the Hahn–Banach theorem and the open mapping theorem, it is considered one of the cornerstones… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex polygon — The term complex polygon can mean two different things: In computer graphics, as a polygon which is neither convex nor concave. In geometry, as a polygon in the unitary plane, which has two complex dimensions. Contents 1 Computer graphics 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform boundedness — In mathematics, bounded functions are functions for which there exists a lower bound and an upper bound, in other words, a constant which is larger than the absolute value of any value of this function. If we consider a family of bounded… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform algebra — A uniform algebra A on a compact Hausdorff topological space X is a closed (with respect to the uniform norm) subalgebra of the C* algebra C(X) (the continuous complex valued functions on X ) with the following properties::the constant functions… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex argument (continued fraction) — In analysis, the complex argument theta; = arg( z ) is commonly defined as an angle, often in terms of the inverse tangent function, or the inverse cosine. In a purely formal and perfectly rigorous treatment of the complex numbers, such reliance… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform integrability — The concept of uniform integrability is an important concept in functional analysis and probability theory. If μ is a finite measure, a subset is said to be uniformly integrable if Rephrased with a probabilistic language, the definition… …   Wikipedia

  • complex repetitive discharge — polyphasic or serrated formations seen on recordings of action potentials, having uniform amplitude and frequency and abrupt beginning and ending; seen in patients with muscular dystrophy and other motor unit diseases. Called also bizarre high… …   Medical dictionary

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