Смотреть что такое "unicycle" в других словарях:
unicycle — 1869, Amer.Eng., from L. uni one (see UNI (Cf. uni )) + cycle, from BICYCLE (Cf. bicycle) (from Gk. kyklos circle, wheel ) … Etymology dictionary
unicycle — ► NOUN ▪ a cycle with a single wheel, chiefly used by acrobats. DERIVATIVES unicyclist noun … English terms dictionary
unicycle — ☆ unicycle [yo͞o′ne sī΄kəl ] n. [ UNI + (BI)CYCLE] a one wheeled vehicle straddled by the rider who pushes its pedals unicyclist n … English World dictionary
Unicycle — A unicycle is a human powered, single track vehicle with one wheel. Unicycles resemble bicycles, but are less complex. A Torker unicycle Contents 1 History … Wikipedia
unicycle — UK [ˈjuːnɪˌsaɪk(ə)l] / US [ˈjunɪˌsaɪk(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms unicycle : singular unicycle plural unicycles a vehicle like a bicycle with a single wheel … English dictionary
unicycle — unicyclist, n. /yooh neuh suy keuhl/, n., v., unicycled, unicycling. n. 1. a vehicle with one wheel, esp. a pedal driven device kept upright and steered by body balance, commonly used by acrobats and other performers. v.i. 2. to ride a unicycle.… … Universalium
unicycle — 1. noun A type of cycle that has only one wheel and is powered by pedals; it is most often used by acrobats. See Also: bicycle, tricycle 2. verb To travel or move around by unicycle … Wiktionary
unicycle — u•ni•cy•cle [[t]ˈyu nəˌsaɪ kəl[/t]] n. v. cled, cling 1) trs spo a vehicle with one wheel, esp. a pedal driven device kept upright and steered by body balance 2) cvb spo trs to ride a unicycle • Etymology: 1865–70, amer. u′ni•cy clist, n … From formal English to slang
Unicycle trials — is a form of unicycling which involves participants attempting to ride a unicycle over obstacles without any part of the rider touching the ground. [ [http://www.unicycling.org/IUF/rulebook/trials.html IUF Unicycle Trials Regulations for UNICON… … Wikipedia
Unicycle cart — The term unicycle is often used in robotics and control theory to mean a generalised cart or car moving in a two dimensional world; these are also often called unicycle like or unicycle type vehicles. This usage is distinct from the literal sense … Wikipedia
Unicycle robot — Robotic unicycle or unicycle robot can mean: * a one wheeled balancing vehicle * an idealised two wheeled robot cart moving in a two dimensional world, used as an example in control theory problems … Wikipedia