- unicellular
- ˈju:nɪˈseljulə прил.;
биол. одноклеточный (биология) одноклеточный unicellular биол. одноклеточный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unicellular — U ni*cel lu*lar, a. [Uni + cellular.] Having, or consisting of, but a single cell; as, a unicellular organism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unicellular — 1858; see UNI (Cf. uni ) + CELLULAR (Cf. cellular) … Etymology dictionary
unicellular — ► ADJECTIVE Biology ▪ consisting of a single cell … English terms dictionary
unicellular — [yo͞o΄nə sel′yo͞o lər] adj. [ UNI + CELLULAR] having or consisting of a single cell … English World dictionary
unicellular — Composed of but one cell, as in the protozoons; for such u. organisms capable of undertaking life processes independently of other cells, the term acellular is also used. * * * uni·cel·lu·lar .yü ni sel yə lər adj having or consisting of a single … Medical dictionary
unicellular — UK [ˌjuːnɪˈseljʊlə(r)] / US [ˌjunɪˈseljələr] adjective biology a unicellular living thing consists of one cell only. Amoebas are unicellular … English dictionary
unicellular — adjective Date: 1858 having or consisting of a single cell < unicellular microorganisms > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unicellular — adj. describing organisms or tissues that consist of a single cell. Unicellular organisms include the protozoans, most bacteria, and some fungi … The new mediacal dictionary
unicellular animals — unicellular animals, protozoans … Useful english dictionary
Unicellular organism — Single celled redirects here. For prison cell assignment, see Single celling. A unicellular organism, also known as a single celled organism is an organism that consists of only one cell, in contrast to a multicellular organism that consists of… … Wikipedia
unicellular — adj. [L. unus, one; cellula, small chamber] Consisting of only one cell … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology