ungulate — UNGULÁTE s.n. pl. Ordin de mamifere erbivore sau omnivore care au ultima falangă acoperită de o unghie protectoare; copitate; (la sg.) animal din acest ordin. [sg. ungulat. / cf. it. ungulati, fr. ongulés]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007.… … Dicționar Român
Ungulate — Un gu*late, a. [L. ungulatus. See {Ungula}.] 1. Shaped like a hoof. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Furnished with hoofs. See the Note under {Nail}, n., 1. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ungulate — Un gu*late, n. (Zo[ o]l.) Any hoofed quadruped; one of the Ungulata. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ungulate — (adj.) hoofed, 1802, from L.L. ungulatus hoofed, from ungula hoof, claw, talon, dim. (in form but not sense) of unguis nail (see UNGUAL (Cf. ungual)). Ungulata, the order of hoofed mammals, is recorded from 1839 … Etymology dictionary
ungulate — ► NOUN Zoology ▪ a hoofed mammal. ORIGIN Latin ungulatus, from ungula hoof … English terms dictionary
ungulate — [uŋ′gyo͞olit, uŋ′gyo͞olāt΄] adj. [LL ungulatus < L ungula, a hoof < unguis, a NAIL] 1. having hoofs; of or belonging to a former group of all mammals having hoofs 2. shaped like a hoof n. a mammal having hoofs … English World dictionary
Ungulate — Taxobox name = Ungulate| fossil range = Late Cretaceous Recent image width = 240px image caption = Llamas, which have two toes, are artiodactyls even toed ungulates regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia infraclassis = Eutheria… … Wikipedia
ungulate — 1. adjective Having hooves. 2. noun An ungulate animal; a hooved mammal. The majority of large land mammals are ungulates … Wiktionary
ungulate — Having hooves. [L. ungulatus, fr. ungula, hoof] * * * un·gu·late əŋ gyə lət, ən , .lāt adj 1) having hooves 2) of or relating to the ungulates ungulate n a hoofed typically herbivorous quadruped mammal (as a pig, camel, hippopotamus, horse, tapir … Medical dictionary
ungulate — I. adjective Etymology: Late Latin ungulatus, from Latin ungula hoof, from unguis nail, hoof Date: 1839 1. having hooves 2. of or relating to the ungulates II. noun Etymology: New Latin Ungulata, from Late Latin, neuter plural of ungulatus … New Collegiate Dictionary
ungulate — /ung gyeuh lit, layt /, adj. 1. having hoofs. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Ungulata, a former order of all hoofed mammals, now divided into the odd toed perissodactyls and even toed artiodactyls. 3. hooflike. n. 4. a hoofed mammal. [1795… … Universalium