- unglued
- (разговорное) вне себя от ярости;
не владеющий собой;
обезумевший (разговорное) сумасшедший, безумный (разговорное) (американизм) расстроенный - to come * расстроиться
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unglued — For the Stone Temple Pilots song, please see Unglued (song).Infobox mtgset Background = Pink Expansion Name = Unglued Expansion Expansion Symbol = Symbol Description = cracked open egg Release Date = August 1998 Mechanics = Tearing Player… … Wikipedia
unglued — [[t]ʌnglu͟ːd[/t]] 1) PHRASE: V inflects If something comes unglued, it becomes separated from the thing that it was attached to. I wear my old shoes every day. One sole has come unglued. On a rainy day, water comes in. 2) PHRASE: V inflects To… … English dictionary
unglued — /un gloohd /, adj. 1. separated or detached; not glued. 2. come unglued, Slang. a. to become upset, disorganized, or confused; lose emotional control: to come unglued in an emergency. b. to disintegrate or collapse; fall apart; break down: The… … Universalium
unglued — un|glued [ʌnˈglu:d] adj 1.) come ungluedAmE informal a) if a plan, situation etc comes unglued, it stops working well ▪ When his parents got divorced, his whole world came unglued. b) to become extremely upset or angry about something ▪ If… … Dictionary of contemporary English
unglued — adjective come unglued AmE informal a) to become extremely upset or angry about something: Pat came unglued when I told him about the accident. b) if your plans come unglued, they do not work well … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unglued — adjective a) Not secured with glue. The unglued joints all fell apart in shipment, but the properly joined piece survived intact. b) Insane, upset. He was calm at first, then suddenly he came unglued and started screaming. He completely lost it … Wiktionary
unglued — un|glued [ ʌn glud ] adjective come unglued AMERICAN INFORMAL if something such as a plan or system comes unglued, it fails … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unglued — adjective Date: 1922 upset, disordered usually used with come < chief executives came unglued at the thought of a strike H. E. Meyer > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unglued — American mentally ill Your mind had become unstuck: She was completely unglued. You know, I tried to reassure her. (Turow, 1990) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
unglued — adjective not or no longer stuck. Phrases come unglued informal 1》 end in failure. 2》 become confused or upset … English new terms dictionary
unglued — UK [ʌnˈɡluːd] / US [ʌnˈɡlud] adjective come unglued … English dictionary