
ˈʌnˈfəuld гл.
1) а) развертывать(ся) ;
раскрывать(ся) б) распускаться (о почках)
2) раскрывать, обнаруживатьunfold before unfold to развертывать;
расстилать - to * a newspaper развернуть газету - to * a tablecloth развернуть скатерть - to * one's arms разжать скрещенные руки развертываться;
расстилаться - the plain *ed before us перед нами расситалалась равнина - as the story *s по ходу рассказа пускать (ростки) распускаться раскрывать, открывать - he *ed to me his plans for the future он открыл мне свои планы на будущее - we listened in silence as the details of the scheme were *ed to us мы молча слушали, когда нам разъясняли детали замысла раскрываться, развиваться - the scheme began gradually to * план постепенно становится ясным выпускать овец из овчарни unfold развертывать(-ся) ;
раскрывать(ся) ~ раскрывать, открывать (планы, замыслы) ~ распускаться (о почках)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unfold" в других словарях:

  • Unfold — Un*fold , v. t. [AS. unfealdan. See 1st {Un }, and {Fold}, v. t.] 1. To open the folds of; to expand; to spread out; as, to unfold a tablecloth. [1913 Webster] Unfold thy forehead gathered into frowns. Herbert. [1913 Webster] 2. To open, as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Unfold — may refer to:* Unfoldable cardinal, in math * Unfold (higher order function), in computer science a family of anamorphism functions * Unfoldment, in spirituality and physics * Unfolded protein response, in biochemistry * Equilibrium unfolding, in …   Wikipedia

  • Unfold — au Rock Altitude Festival en 2011. Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • unfold — 1 Unfold, evolve, develop, elaborate, perfect can all mean to cause something to emerge from a state where its potentialities are not apparent or not realized into a state where they are apparent or fully realized. Unfold suggests usually a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • unfold — [v1] spread out disentangle, display, expand, extend, fan, fan out, flatten, loosen, open, outspread, outstretch, reel out, release, shake out, spread, straighten, stretch out, unbend, uncoil, uncrease, uncurl, undo, unfurl, unravel, unroll,… …   New thesaurus

  • Unfold — Un*fold , v. i. To open; to expand; to become disclosed or developed. [1913 Webster] The wind blows cold While the morning doth unfold. J. Fletcher. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unfold — [unfōld′] vt. [ME unfolden < OE unfealdan < un , UN + fealdan, to FOLD1] 1. to open and spread out (something folded) 2. to make known or lay open to view, esp. in stages or little by little; reveal, disclose, display, or explain vi. 1. to… …   English World dictionary

  • unfold — index bare, betray (disclose), clarify, construe (translate), crystallize, denude, deploy …   Law dictionary

  • unfold — (v.) O.E. unfealdan, to open or unwrap the folds of, also figuratively, to disclose, reveal, from UN (Cf. un ) (2) opposite of + FOLD (Cf. fold) (v.). Cf. M.Du. ontvouden, Ger. entfalten. Intransitive sense is attested from late 14c. Related:… …   Etymology dictionary

  • unfold — ► VERB 1) open or spread out from a folded position. 2) reveal or be revealed …   English terms dictionary

  • unfold — UK [ʌnˈfəʊld] / US [ʌnˈfoʊld] verb Word forms unfold : present tense I/you/we/they unfold he/she/it unfolds present participle unfolding past tense unfolded past participle unfolded 1) a) [transitive] to open something that was folded Lewis… …   English dictionary

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