Смотреть что такое "unfailingness" в других словарях:
Unfailingness — Unfailing Un*fail ing, a. Not failing; not liable to fail; inexhaustible; certain; sure. Dryden. {Un*fail ing*ly}, adv. {Un*fail ing*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unfailingness — n. quality of being unfailing … English contemporary dictionary
unfailingness — un·fail·ing·ness … English syllables
unfailingness — noun ( es) : the quality or state of being unfailing … Useful english dictionary
unfailing — unfailingly, adv. unfailingness, n. /un fay ling/, adj. 1. not failing; not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable: an unfailing friend. 2. inexhaustible; endless: unfailing resources; unfailing good humor. [1350… … Universalium
constancy — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Faithfulness] Syn. fidelity, attachment, adherence, fealty, allegiance, devotion, ardor, eagerness, zeal, passion, love, earnestness, steadfastness, permanence, staunchness, principle, integrity, honor, faith, honesty,… … English dictionary for students
unfailing — adjective 1》 without error. 2》 reliable or constant. Derivatives unfailingly adverb unfailingness noun … English new terms dictionary
correctness — n 1.Tightness, unerringness, iner rableness, infallibleness, unfailingness; absoluteness, certainty, sureness, positiveness, definiteness, fixedness. 2. accuracy, accurateness, exactness, exactitude, precision, preciseness; closeness, fidelity,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
right — adj 1. good, just, fair, impartial, equitable, reasonable; righteous, upright, virtuous, moral, ethical; honorable, noble, high minded, scrupulous, principled, right minded; honest, Inf. square, Inf. fair and square, straightforward, aboveboard,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
unfailing — /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ / (say un fayling) adjective 1. not failing or giving way; totally dependable: unfailing good humour. 2. never giving out; unceasing; continuous: an unfailing supply. 3. certain; infallible: an unfailing test. –unfailingly, adverb… …
constancy — [n] fixedness abidingness, adherence, allegiance, ardor, attachment, certainty, decision, dependability, determination, devotedness, devotion, doggedness, eagerness, earnestness, endurance, faith, fealty, fidelity, firmness, honesty, honor,… … New thesaurus