Смотреть что такое "unequal-sided" в других словарях:
unequal — I (unequivalent) adjective different, differing, dispar, disparate, disproportionate, dissimilar, impar, inaequalis, irregular, unbalanced, uneven, unlike, unmatched associated concepts: unequal bargaining powers II (unjust) … Law dictionary
unequal — [adj1] different differing, disparate, dissimilar, distant, divergent, diverse, incommensurate, like night and day*, mismatched, not uniform, odd, poles apart*, unalike, unequivalent, uneven, unlike, unmatched, unsimilar, variable, various,… … New thesaurus
unequal — adjective 1) they are unequal in length Syn: different, dissimilar, unalike, unlike, disparate, unmatched, uneven, irregular, varying, variable, asymmetrical Ant: identical 2) t … Thesaurus of popular words
unequal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. disparate, disproportionate; inadequate; uneven, mismatched, one sided; inequitable, unfair. See difference. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Not alike] Syn. odd, ill matched, dissimilar; see different 1 … English dictionary for students
unequal — adj 1. different, differing, dissimilar, disparate, unlike, unmatched, unidentical; not uniform, varying, variant, variable; incongruous, incompatible, inharmonious. 2.Often unequal to inadequate, insufficient, incommensurate, found wanting, not… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
One-sided — One sid ed, a. 1. Having one side only, or one side prominent. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: Limited to one side; favoring one person or side over another; partial; unjust; unfair; as, a one sided view or statement. [WordNet sense 5] Unguarded and one … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
one-sided — one sidedly, adv. one sidedness, n. /wun suy did/, adj. 1. considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair: a one sided judgment. 2. with one party, contestant, side, etc., vastly superior; unbalanced; unequal: a one sided… … Universalium
one-sided — I adjective biased, colored, discriminatory, exparte, impar, inaequalis, influenced, iniquus, interested, jaundiced, narrow, narrow minded, partial, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, sectarian, slanted, swayed, undetached, undispassionate,… … Law dictionary
one-sided — adjective 1) a one sided account Syn: biased, prejudiced, partisan, partial, preferential, discriminatory, slanted, colored, inequitable, unfair, unjust Ant: impartial, fair minded 2) … Thesaurus of popular words
one-sided — adjective 1) a one sided account Syn: biased, prejudiced, partisan, partial, slanted, distorted, unfair 2) a one sided game Syn: unequal, uneven, unbalanced • … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
one-sided — one′ sid′ed adj. 1) considering but one side of a matter or question; partial or unfair: a one sided judgment[/ex] 2) with one side far superior or having all the advantage; unequal: a one sided fight[/ex] 3) bio frm bio existing, occurring, or… … From formal English to slang