Смотреть что такое "undiscounted" в других словарях:
undiscounted — adj. * * * … Universalium
undiscounted — adjective not discounted … Wiktionary
undiscounted — adj … Useful english dictionary
Black model — The Black model (sometimes known as the Black 76 model) is a variant of the Black Scholes option pricing model. Its primary applications are for pricing bond options, interest rate caps / floors, and swaptions. It was first presented in a paper… … Wikipedia
Ethanol fuel in Brazil — Brazil is the world s second largest producer of ethanol and the world s largest exporter, and it is considered to have the world s first sustainable biofuels economy and the biofuel industry leader.cite… … Wikipedia
Network Railcard — The earliest version of the Network Card, issued manually rather than through an APTIS machine … Wikipedia
16-25 Railcard — The 16–25 Railcard is an annual card giving discounts on certain types of railway ticket in Britain. It is available to anybody aged between 16 and 25 (inclusive), and certain mature students aged 26 and above, and is currently priced at £24.00.… … Wikipedia
Arizona breccia pipe uranium mineralization — During the late 1970s and through the 1980s, Mohave and Coconino County, Arizona, immediately north and south of the Grand Canyon and west of the Navajo Indian Reservation were explored for Arizona breccia pipe uranium mineralization. The search… … Wikipedia
Senior Railcard — The Senior Railcard is an annual card available to people aged 60 and over, which gives discounts on certain types of railway ticket in Britain. The Railcard has existed in various forms since 1975; the current version is priced at £24.00 and is… … Wikipedia
Family and Friends Railcard — The Family and Friends Railcard is an annual card available to all adults in Britain. It gives discounts on certain types of railway ticket when the Railcard holder travels with at least one child. The Railcard is valid for one year and currently … Wikipedia
Malta bus — A classic Malta bus Malta buses, old and new A Malta bus ( … Wikipedia