- undisclosed
- прил. нераскрытый;
неизвестный неразоблаченный, нераскрытый - information from an * source сведения из неизвестного источника undisclosed неназванный ~ нераскрытый ~ тайный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
undisclosed — UK US /ˌʌndɪsˈkləʊzd/ adjective ► undisclosed information has not been made publicly available: an undisclosed amount/fee/sum »The law firm settled with the family for an undisclosed amount. »The meeting was held at an undisclosed location … Financial and business terms
undisclosed — I adjective concealed, covert, hidden, invisible, latent, mysterious, occult, sealed, secret, suppressed, tacit, ulterior, unaired, unannounced, unapparent, unbreathed, uncommunicated, unconveyed, undeclared, undetected, undivuiged, unexplained,… … Law dictionary
undisclosed — 1570, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of DISCLOSE (Cf. disclose) … Etymology dictionary
undisclosed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not revealed or made known … English terms dictionary
undisclosed — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
undisclosed — [[t]ʌndɪsklo͟ʊzd[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Undisclosed information is not revealed to the public. The company has been sold for an undisclosed amount... They are now in hiding at an undisclosed address … English dictionary
undisclosed — adj. Undisclosed is used with these nouns: ↑location, ↑sum … Collocations dictionary
undisclosed — un|dis|closed [ˌʌndısˈkləuzd US ˈklouzd] adj used to describe information which is not given to the public ▪ Developers have agreed to buy the site for an undisclosed sum … Dictionary of contemporary English
undisclosed — un|dis|closed [ ,ʌndıs klouzd ] adjective not reported publicly: The company was sold for an undisclosed sum … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
undisclosed — UK [ˌʌndɪsˈkləʊzd] / US [ˌʌndɪsˈkloʊzd] adjective not reported publicly The company was sold for an undisclosed sum … English dictionary
Undisclosed Desires — «Undisclosed Desires» Сингл Muse из альбома Th … Википедия