Смотреть что такое "underwool" в других словарях:
underwool — noun Date: 1939 short woolly underfur … New Collegiate Dictionary
underwool — /un deuhr wool /, n. underfur. [1905 10 in sense underwear ; 1935 40 for current sense; UNDER + WOOL] * * * … Universalium
underwool — noun The short, wooly underfur of certain animals, especially sheep … Wiktionary
underwool — un•der•wool [[t]ˈʌn dərˌwʊl[/t]] n. zool. underfur • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
underwool — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: under (III) + wool : short woolly underfur or underhair (as of a rabbit) … Useful english dictionary
Angora rabbit — The Angora rabbit is a variety of domestic rabbit bred for its long, soft hair. The Angora is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbit, originating in Ankara, Turkey, along with the Angora cat and Angora goat. The rabbits were popular pets with … Wikipedia
Sage Koochee — also known as the Koochee dog is an Afghan breed of dog.The Sage Koochee (in Dari this means Dog of the Nomad ) describes a unique breed of dogs found around the northern parts of Afghanistan and the surrounding areas in Central Asia, and… … Wikipedia
Tibetan antelope — Chiru redirects here. For the Indian actor, see Chiranjeevi. Holozoa Tibetan Antelope Pantholops hodgsonii Conservation status … Wikipedia
Qiviut — (Inuktitut syllabics, ᕿᕕᐅᖅ; Inuinnaqtun, qiviuqcite book|last=Ohokak|first=G.|coauthors=M. Kadlun, B. Harnum|title=Inuinnaqtun English Dictionary|publisher=Kitikmeot Heritage Society] ; sometimes spelled qiveut, and pronounced kiv ee yut ) is an… … Wikipedia
Animal fiber — Animal fibers are natural fibers that consist largely of particular proteins. Instances are silk, hair/fur (including wool) and feathers. The most commonly used type of animal fiber is hair. Not all animal fibers have the same properties. Alpaca… … Wikipedia
Roslag sheep — The Roslag sheep (Swedish: Roslagsfår ) is a breed of endangered domesticated sheep that originated in and is almost exclusively found in Sweden. [http://www.rala.is/beta/12%20Swedish%20Roslags%20sheep.htm North Shed: Swedish Roslag Sheep] ]… … Wikipedia