underwater -vehicle
Смотреть что такое "underwater -vehicle" в других словарях:
Remotely operated underwater vehicle — Remotely operated vehicle redirects here. For vehicles operating out of water, see remote control vehicle. ROV at work in an underwater oil and gas field. The ROV is operating a subsea torque tool (wrench) on a valve on the subsea structure. A… … Wikipedia
Autonomous underwater vehicle — Picture taken from the HSV Swift by an employee of Bluefin Robotics Corporation during a US Navy exercise … Wikipedia
Nereus (underwater vehicle) — Nereus Career (USA) … Wikipedia
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle — AUV Odyssey wird durch ein Eisloch eingesetzt AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, deutsch etwa autonomes Unterwasserfahrzeug) gehören zur Kategorie der unbemannten Unterwasserfahrzeuge und führen autonom Aufgaben im Meer aus. Beispielsweise… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle — (UUV) (englisch: „unbemanntes Unterwasserfahrzeug“) ist der Überbegriff für alle unbemannten Tauchfahrzeuge. Es handelt sich also um Roboter, die im Wasser arbeiten. Unbemannte Tauchfahrzeuge gliedern sich in zwei Gruppen: ferngesteuerte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
autonomous underwater vehicle — noun a remotely operated vehicle designed to travel underwater, usually for military, commercial and research purposes. Abbrev.: AUV …
Underwater glider — An underwater glider is a type of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that uses small changes in its buoyancy in conjunction with wings to convert vertical motion to horizontal, and thereby propel itself forward with very low power consumption.… … Wikipedia
Underwater archaeology — is the study of past human life, behaviours and cultures using the physical remains found in salt or fresh water or buried beneath water logged sedimentMuckelroy, K., Maritime archaeology. Cambridge University Press 1978. ISBN 0 521 29348 0] . It … Wikipedia
Underwater Demolition Team — Underwater Demolition Teams Shoulder sleeve patch of the Underwater Demolition Teams Active … Wikipedia
Underwater diving — This article refers to underwater diving by humans. For other uses of the term diving, see dive and diving Underwater diving is the practice of going underwater with or without breathing apparatus. Recreational diving is a popular activity (also… … Wikipedia
Underwater speed record — In 1965 the USS Albacore reported a speed of 33 knots (38 mph) [cite book last = Tyler first = Patrick authorlink = Patrick Tyler coauthors = title = Running Critical publisher = Harper Row date = 1986 location = New York pages = 70 url = doi =… … Wikipedia