Underset — Un der*set , v. t. To prop or support. Bacon. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Underset — Un der*set , n. (Naut.) Undercurrent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
underset — [un′dər set΄] n. an ocean undercurrent … English World dictionary
underset — 1. verb To prop or support. Unless posts are underset in very steep mines they are apt to fall out before the pressure of the roof has tightened them. Posts are sometimes too much underset, owing to their being too long. 2. noun undercurrent … Wiktionary
underset — noun /ˈʌndəsɛt/ (say unduhset) 1. an ocean undercurrent. 2. Mining a lower vein of ore. –verb (t) /ʌndəˈsɛt/ (say unduh set) (underset, undersetting) 3. to support from below …
underset — /un deuhr set /, n. a current of water below the surface and flowing in a direction contrary to the water on the surface. [1500 10; UNDER + SET] Syn. See undertow. * * * … Universalium
underset — v. & n. v.tr. ( setting; past and past part. set) place something under (a thing). n. Naut. an undercurrent … Useful english dictionary
An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything — is a preprint proposing a basis for a unified field theory, named E8 Theory , which attempts to describe all known fundamental interactions in physics, and to stand as a possible theory of everything. The preprint was posted to the physics arXiv… … Wikipedia
Clasificación de discontinuidades — Las funciones continuas son de suma importancia en matemática y en distintas aplicaciones. Sin embargo, no todas las funciones son continuas. Puede ocurrir que una función no sea continua en todo su dominio de definición. Si una función no es… … Wikipedia Español
Gráfica de una función — En matemáticas, la gráfica de una función: es la visualización de la correspondencia entre los elementos del conjunto dominio y los del conjunto imagen mediante su representación iconográfica. También puede definirse como el conjunto formado por… … Wikipedia Español
Ayuda:Usando TeX — TeX. Atajos A:UTX … Wikipedia Español