Смотреть что такое "underseas" в других словарях:
underseas — adverb see undersea II … New Collegiate Dictionary
underseas — /un deuhr seez /, adv. beneath the surface of the sea. [1675 85; UNDERSEA + S1] * * * … Universalium
underseas — adverb Under the surface of the sea or ocean, underwater … Wiktionary
underseas — adv. under the surface of the sea … English contemporary dictionary
underseas — un•der•seas [[t]ˌʌn dərˈsiz[/t]] adv. naut. beneath the surface of the sea … From formal English to slang
underseas — adverb see undersea II * * * /un deuhr seez /, adv. beneath the surface of the sea. [1675 85; UNDERSEA + S1] … Useful english dictionary
ULMS — Underseas Long range Missile System ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
ULMS — Underseas Long range Missile System ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves — born June 11, 1910, Saint André de Cubzac, France died June 25, 1997, Paris French ocean explorer. A navy officer, he coinvented the Aqua Lung, or scuba. He founded the French Office of Underseas Research (now the Centre of Advanced Marine… … Universalium
Futurama (New York World's Fair) — The Futurama was an exhibit/ride at the 1939 40 New York World s Fair held in the USA, designed by Norman Bel Geddes that tried to show the world 20 years into the future (1960), including automated highways and vast suburbs. The exhibit was… … Wikipedia
Kevin Long (artist) — Kevin Long was the primary artist at Palladium Books during the late 1980s and early 1990s and was one of the original and premiere artists for the Rifts RPG books. Much of his work during this time set the style and tone of Rifts and was a… … Wikipedia