Смотреть что такое "underdress" в других словарях:
underdress — ► VERB (also be underdressed) ▪ dress too plainly or too informally for a particular occasion … English terms dictionary
underdress — [un΄dər dres′] vi. to dress more plainly or informally than is indicated by the occasion … English World dictionary
underdress — Date: circa 1784 intransitive verb to dress in overly or inappropriately simple or informal clothing transitive verb to dress (as oneself) more simply or informally than is appropriate … New Collegiate Dictionary
underdress — v. /un deuhr dres /; n. /un deuhr dres /, v., underdressed or underdrest, underdressing, n. v.i. 1. to clothe oneself less completely or formally than is usual or fitting for the circumstances. n. 2. garments worn beneath others; underclothes. 3 … Universalium
underdress — verb a) To dress in insufficiently warm clothes. b) To dress in insufficiently formal clothes. Ant: overdress … Wiktionary
underdress — n. underclothes; underskirt, petticoat, slip v. dress in a way that is not formal enough for the circumstances; not dress warmly enough … English contemporary dictionary
underdress — verb (also be underdressed) dress too plainly or too informally for a particular occasion … English new terms dictionary
underdress — un•der•dress v. [[t]ˌʌn dərˈdrɛs[/t]] n. [[t]ˈʌn dərˌdrɛs[/t]] v. i. 1) to clothe oneself less formally than is usual or fitting for the circumstances 2) clo garments worn beneath others; underclothes 3) clo a slip, petticoat, or other underskirt … From formal English to slang
underdress — noun /ˈʌndədrɛs/ (say unduhdres) 1. a dress worn under another. –verb (i) /ʌndəˈdrɛs/ (say unduh dres) 2. to dress too plainly; wear an outfit which is not smart or elaborate enough for the occasion …
underdress — v.tr. & intr. dress too plainly or too lightly … Useful english dictionary
dress down — verb 1. censure severely or angrily The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger s car The deputy ragged the Prime Minister The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup • Syn: ↑call on the carpet, ↑take to task, ↑rebuke, ↑ … Useful english dictionary