Смотреть что такое "under-estimate" в других словарях:
under-estimate — … Useful english dictionary
estimate — A valuing or rating by the mind, without actually measuring, weighing, or the like. A rough or approximate calculation only. United States v. Foster, C.C.A.Iowa, 131 F.2d 3, 7. Act of appraising or valuing. Determination of approximate cost or… … Black's law dictionary
estimate — A valuing or rating by the mind, without actually measuring, weighing, or the like. A rough or approximate calculation only. United States v. Foster, C.C.A.Iowa, 131 F.2d 3, 7. Act of appraising or valuing. Determination of approximate cost or… … Black's law dictionary
Mass killings under Communist regimes — Part of the series on Communism … Wikipedia
Suppression of English Monasteries Under Henry VIII — Suppression of English Monasteries under Henry VIII † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Suppression of English Monasteries under Henry VIII From any point of view the destruction of the English monasteries by Henry VIII must be regarded as one… … Catholic encyclopedia
New York City Board of Estimate — The New York City Board of Estimate was a governmental body in New York City, responsible for budget and land use decisions. Under the charter of the newly amalgamated City of Greater New York (passed 1897, effective 1898) the Board of Estimate… … Wikipedia
Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris ArgueDate=December 7 ArgueYear=1988 DecideDate=March 22 DecideYear=1989 FullName=Board of Estimate of City of New York, et al. v. Morris, et al. USVol=489 USPage=688… … Wikipedia
Area-under-the-ROC-curve — Schätzgütemaße für ordinale Insolvenzprognosen messen die Qualität ordinaler Insolvenzprognosen. Ordinale Insolvenzprognosen sind Prognosen über die relativen Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten der bewerteten Unternehmen wie „Unternehmen Y fällt mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Area under the ROC curve — Schätzgütemaße für ordinale Insolvenzprognosen messen die Qualität ordinaler Insolvenzprognosen. Ordinale Insolvenzprognosen sind Prognosen über die relativen Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten der bewerteten Unternehmen wie „Unternehmen Y fällt mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Korea under Japanese rule — (Chōsen (Korea), Empire of Japan) 日本統治時代の朝鮮(大日本帝国朝鮮) 일제 강점기 (日帝强占期) Japanese colony … Wikipedia
Chile national under-20 football team — Chile Under 20 Nickname(s) La Rojita (The Little Red One) Association Federación de Fútbol de Chile Confederation CONMEBOL (South Am … Wikipedia