under one's very nose
Смотреть что такое "under one's very nose" в других словарях:
nose — [nōz] n. [ME < OE nosu, akin to Ger nase, orig. a dual, meaning “the two nostrils” < IE base * nas , nostril > Sans nāsā, the nose, lit., pair of nostrils, L nasus, nose & naris (pl. nares), nostril] 1. the part of the human face between … English World dictionary
nose — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. proboscis, snout, muzzle, beak, schnozzle (sl.); nasal or olfactory organ; nostrils. See convexity. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The organ of smell] Syn. nasal organ, nasal cavity, nares, nasal passages,… … English dictionary for students
nose — I n. 1) to blow; wipe one s nose 2) to pick one s nose 3) an aquiline, Roman; bulbous; pug, snub, turned up nose 4) a bloody; running, runny nose (the child has a runny nose) 5) through the nose (to breathe through the nose) 6) a nose bleeds;… … Combinatory dictionary
nose — noseless, adj. noselike, adj. /nohz/, n., v., nosed, nosing. n. 1. the part of the face or facial region in humans and certain animals that contains the nostrils and the organs of smell and functions as the usual passageway for air in respiration … Universalium
under — (prep., adv.) O.E. under, from P.Gmc. *under (Cf. O.Fris. under, Du. onder, O.H.G. untar, Ger. unter, O.N. undir, Goth. undar), from PIE *ndhero lower (Cf. Skt. adhah below; Avestan athara lower; … Etymology dictionary
nose — n. & v. n. 1 an organ above the mouth on the face or head of a human or animal, containing nostrils and used for smelling and breathing. 2 a the sense of smell (dogs have a good nose). b the ability to detect a particular thing (a nose for… … Useful english dictionary
One Power — In The Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan, the One Power is the force that maintains the continuous motion of the Wheel of Time. It comes from the True Source, and it is separated into two halves: saidin /saɪˈd … Wikipedia
One Tree Hill (TV series) — One Tree Hill Intertitle, seasons 1–4; 8 Genre Drama, Sports Format Teen drama … Wikipedia
nose — nose1 W2S2 [nəuz US nouz] n ↑ear, ↑nose, ↑tooth, ↑eye ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(on your face)¦ 2 (right) under somebody s nose 3 stick/poke your nose into something 4 keep your nose out (of something) 5 turn your nose up (at something) 6 with your nose in the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
nose — /noʊz / (say nohz) noun 1. the part of the face or head which contains the nostrils, affording passage for air in respiration, etc. 2. this part as the organ of smell: the aroma of coffee greeted his nose. 3. the sense of smell: a dog with a good …
nose — 1 noun 1 ON YOUR FACE (C) the part of your face that you smell with and breathe through: a broken nose | Marty punched him on the nose. | blow your nose (=clear it by blowing strongly into a piece of cloth or soft paper): Here, take this hanky… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English