under one's hat
Смотреть что такое "under one's hat" в других словарях:
under\ one's\ hat — • keep under one s hat • under one s hat v. phr. informal To keep secret; not tell. Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly. Often used as a command. Keep it under your hat. Syn.: keep… … Словарь американских идиом
under one's hat — phrasal 1. : in one s head 2. : to oneself : secret keep the news under your hat * * * under one s hat In confidence • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
under one's hat — See: KEEP UNDER ONE S HAT … Dictionary of American idioms
under one's hat — See: KEEP UNDER ONE S HAT … Dictionary of American idioms
under one's hat — idi under one s hat, confidential; private; secret … From formal English to slang
under one's hat — phrasal not disclosed ; secret < kept the news under his hat > … New Collegiate Dictionary
under one's hat — adjective Concealed; confidential; secret. Orestes Jones kept his real ambitions under his hat until the time struck … Wiktionary
keep\ under\ one's\ hat — • keep under one s hat • under one s hat v. phr. informal To keep secret; not tell. Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly. Often used as a command. Keep it under your hat. Syn.: keep… … Словарь американских идиом
keep something under one's hat — ► keep something under one s hat keep something a secret. Main Entry: ↑hat … English terms dictionary
keep under one's hat — {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep secret; not tell. * /Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly./ Often used as a command. * /Keep it under your hat./ Syn.: KEEP TO ONESELF … Dictionary of American idioms
keep under one's hat — {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep secret; not tell. * /Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly./ Often used as a command. * /Keep it under your hat./ Syn.: KEEP TO ONESELF … Dictionary of American idioms