under cupola
Смотреть что такое "under cupola" в других словарях:
Cupola — • A spherical ceiling, or a bowl shaped vault, rising like an inverted cup over a circular, square, or multangular building or any part of it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cupola Cupola … Catholic encyclopedia
Cupola furnace — A cupola furnace in operation at Wayne State University, in Detroit, Michigan A Cupola or Cupola furnace is a melting device used in foundries that can be used to melt cast iron, ni resist iron and some bronzes. The cupola can be made almost any… … Wikipedia
cupola furnace — ▪ metallurgy in steelmaking, a vertical cylindrical furnace used for melting iron either for casting or for charging in other furnaces. René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur built the first cupola furnace on record, in France, about 1720 … Universalium
Armenier in Georgien — (georgisch სომხები, Somchebi; armenisch Վրացահայեր, Wrazahajer) sind ethnische Armenier die im Nachbarland Georgien leben. Gegenwärtig leben 248.929 Armenier in Georgien, 82.586 davon in der Hauptstadt Tiflis. Das sind 5,7 Prozent der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Notre-Dame de la Garde — Notre Dame de la Garde, seen from the Vieux Port Basic information Affiliation Roman catholic District Archdiocese of M … Wikipedia
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
Western architecture — Introduction history of Western architecture from prehistoric Mediterranean cultures to the present. The history of Western architecture is marked by a series of new solutions to structural problems. During the period from the… … Universalium
Edinburgh — EDINBURGH, a city, the seat of a university, and the metropolis of the kingdom of Scotland, situated in longitude 3° 10 30 (W.), and latitude 55° 57 29 (N.), about a mile (S. by W.) from Leith, 40 miles (S.S.W.) from Dundee, 42 (E. by N.) from … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
mosaic — mosaically, adv. /moh zay ik/, n., adj., v., mosaicked, mosaicking. n. 1. a picture or decoration made of small, usually colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass, etc. 2. the process of producing such a picture or decoration. 3. something resembling … Universalium
Mosaic — /moh zay ik/, adj. of or pertaining to Moses or the writings, laws, and principles attributed to him: Mosaic ethics. Also, Mosaical. [1655 65; < NL Mosaicus, equiv. to LL Mos(es) MOSES + aicus, on the model of Hebraicus Hebraic] * * * Surface… … Universalium
Rome — • The significance of Rome lies primarily in the fact that it is the city of the pope Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rome Rome † … Catholic encyclopedia