uncritical — [un krit′i kəl] adj. 1. not critical; undiscriminating [an uncritical reader] 2. not guided by critical standards of analysis [an uncritical acceptance of radical ideas] uncritically adv … English World dictionary
uncritical — index casual, favorable (expressing approval), indiscriminate, promiscuous, unnecessary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
uncritical — (adj.) 1650s, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + CRITICAL (Cf. critical). Cf. Du. onkritisch, Ger. unkritisch, Dan. unkritisk. Related: Uncritically … Etymology dictionary
uncritical — *superficial, shallow, cursory Antonyms: critical Contrasted words: discerning, discriminating, penetrating (see corresponding nouns at DISCERNMENT): comprehending, understanding, appreciating (see UNDERSTAND) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
uncritical — [adj] casual, unfussy careless, cursory, easily pleased, imperceptive, imprecise, imprudent, inaccurate, indiscriminate, offhand, perfunctory, shallow, slipshod, superficial, undiscerning, undiscriminating, unexacting, uninformed, unperceptive,… … New thesaurus
uncritical — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not expressing criticism or using one s critical faculties. DERIVATIVES uncritically adverb … English terms dictionary
uncritical — uncritically, adv. /un krit i keuhl/, adj. 1. not inclined or able to judge, esp. by the application of comparative standards: an uncritical reader. 2. undiscriminating; not applying or not guided by the standards of analysis: an uncritical… … Universalium
uncritical — [[t]ʌ̱nkrɪ̱tɪk(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe a person or their behaviour as uncritical, you mean that they do not judge whether someone or something is good or bad, right or wrong, before supporting or believing them. ...the conventional… … English dictionary
uncritical — un|crit|i|cal [ʌnˈkrıtıkəl] adj unable or unwilling to see faults in something or someone used to show disapproval uncritical of ▪ John s mother is totally uncritical of his behaviour. >uncritically [ kli] adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
uncritical — /ʌnˈkrɪtɪkəl/ (say un kritikuhl) adjective 1. disinclined to make critical analysis: an uncritical reader. 2. without discrimination or critical perception. 3. not in accordance with the rules of just criticism: an uncritical estimate.… …
uncritical — adj. Uncritical is used with these nouns: ↑acceptance … Collocations dictionary