- uncorrelated samples
- мат. некоррелированные выборки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Cholesky decomposition — In linear algebra, the Cholesky decomposition or Cholesky triangle is a decomposition of a Hermitian, positive definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose. It was discovered by André Louis Cholesky… … Wikipedia
Ordinary least squares — This article is about the statistical properties of unweighted linear regression analysis. For more general regression analysis, see regression analysis. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression. For the… … Wikipedia
Jitter — For other meanings of this word, see Jitter (disambiguation). Jitter is the undesired deviation from true periodicity of an assumed periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications, often in relation to a reference clock source. Jitter may… … Wikipedia
Multivariate normal distribution — MVN redirects here. For the airport with that IATA code, see Mount Vernon Airport. Probability density function Many samples from a multivariate (bivariate) Gaussian distribution centered at (1,3) with a standard deviation of 3 in roughly the… … Wikipedia
Variance — In probability theory and statistics, the variance of a random variable, probability distribution, or sample is one measure of statistical dispersion, averaging the squared distance of its possible values from the expected value (mean). Whereas… … Wikipedia
Correlation — In probability theory and statistics, correlation, (often measured as a correlation coefficient), indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two random variables. In general statistical usage, correlation or co relation … Wikipedia
Rayleigh fading — is a statistical model for the effect of a propagation environment on a radio signal, such as that used by wireless devices.Rayleigh fading models assume that the magnitude of a signal that has passed through such a transmission medium (also… … Wikipedia
Detrended fluctuation analysis — In stochastic processes, chaos theory and time series analysis, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is a method for determining the statistical self affinity of a signal. It is useful for analysing time series that appear to be long memory… … Wikipedia
MPEG-1 — Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 1 (MPEG 1) Filename extension .mpg, .mpeg, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .m1v, .m1a, .m2a, .mpa, .mpv Internet media type audio/mpeg, video/mpeg Developed by ISO, IEC Type of format audio, vid … Wikipedia
Balanced repeated replication — is a statistical technique for estimating the sampling variability of a statistic obtained by stratified sampling. Outline of the technique # Select balanced half samples from the full sample. # Calculate the statistic of interest for each half… … Wikipedia
Oversampling — In signal processing, oversampling is the process of sampling a signal with a sampling frequency significantly higher than twice the bandwidth or highest frequency of the signal being sampled. Oversampling helps avoid aliasing, improves… … Wikipedia