unconventional weapons

unconventional weapons
особые виды вооружения (ядерное, химическое и бактериологическое оружие) , средства массового поражения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unconventional weapons" в других словарях:

  • unconventional weapons — weapon of mass destruction, weapon which causes widespread destruction …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Unconventional warfare — Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient Medieval Gunpowder Industrial …   Wikipedia

  • Unconventional warfare (United States Department of Defense doctrine) — In US doctrine, unconventional warfare (abbreviated UW) is the term for guerilla warfare conducted or supported by United States Army Special Forces (SF) and other units in the United States Special Operations Command. Guerilla warfare is one… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear weapons and Israel — Israel Nuclear program start date mid to late 1950s[1] First nuclear weapon test Unknown; possible join …   Wikipedia

  • Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development — The Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development (DMWD), known colloquially as the Wheezers and Dodgers, was a department of the Admiralty responsible for the development of various unconventional weapons during World War II. The nickname was …   Wikipedia

  • CIA leak grand jury investigation — (related to the CIA leak scandal , also known as the Plame affair ) was a federal inquiry into the alleged unauthorized disclosure of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee s identity, a possible violation of criminal statutes, including… …   Wikipedia

  • CIA leak scandal criminal investigation — The CIA leak scandal is a dispute stemming from allegations that one or more White House officials revealed Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent Valerie Plame Wilson’s under cover status. An investigation is underway concerning the possibility …   Wikipedia

  • Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations — were made by some U.S. Government officials who claimed that a highly secretive relationship existed between former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the radical Islamist militant organization Al Qaeda from 1992 to 2003, specifically through a… …   Wikipedia

  • CIA transnational activities in counterproliferation — This article deals with activities of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, specifically dealing with arms control, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and weapons proliferation. It attempts to look at the process of tasking and analyzing, rather… …   Wikipedia

  • Iraq War — This article is about the war that began in 2003. For other uses, see Iraq War (disambiguation). Further information: 2003 invasion of Iraq and Post invasion Iraq …   Wikipedia

  • United Nations — 1. an international organization, with headquarters in New York City, formed to promote international peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the charter signed by 51 founding countries in San Francisco in 1945. Abbr.: UN Cf. General… …   Universalium

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