Смотреть что такое "unconfutable" в других словарях:
unconfutable — index clear (certain), convincing, incontrovertible, irrefutable, positive (incontestable), solid ( … Law dictionary
unconfutable — adj. * * * … Universalium
unconfutable — adj … Useful english dictionary
clear — adj 1: unencumbered by outstanding claims or interests a search showed the title was clear 2: free from doubt or ambiguity Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
sound — 1 adj 1 a: free from injury or disease: exhibiting normal health b: free from flaw, defect, or decay a sound design 2 a: free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension based on sound judicial reasoning b: legally valid … Law dictionary
convincing — I adjective absolute, ad persuadendum accommodatus, assured, assuring, attestable, authentic, believable, believed, believing, bona fide, categorical, certain, cogent, coherent, commanding, compelling, conclusive, confirmable, confirmatory,… … Law dictionary
incontrovertible — I adjective absolute, apodictic, ascertained, assured, authoritative, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond contradiction, capable of proof, certain, clear cut, conclusive, definite, demonstrable, established, factual, inappealable, incontestable,… … Law dictionary
irrefutable — I adjective axiomatic, axiomatical, beyond doubt, certain, certus, demonstrable, firmus, inappealable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubious, indubitable, irrefragable, past dispute, positive, proven, questionless, sure,… … Law dictionary
positive — I (confident) adjective assured, believing, certain, certus, convinced, decided, decisive, definite, determined, fully convinced, insistent, perfectly sure, persuaded, reassured, satisfied, secure, self assured, self confident, sure, trusting,… … Law dictionary
solid — I (compact) adjective bunched, close, coagulated, compressed, concentrated, condensed, congealed, consolidated, dense, firm, grumose, hard, hardened, impenetrable, impermeable, incompressible, indiscerptible, indivisible, inflexible, insecable,… … Law dictionary
unimpeachable — I adjective above reproach, approved, believable, beyond reproach, blameless, commendable, credible, creditable, excellent, faultless, guiltless, ideal, impeccable, incontestable, incontrovertible, inculpable, indefeasable, innocent, irrefragable … Law dictionary