Смотреть что такое "unconcerted" в других словарях:
unconcerted — adj.; unconcertedly, adv. * * * … Universalium
unconcerted — adj.; unconcertedly, adv … Useful english dictionary
Stampede — Stam*pede (st[a^]m*p[=e]d ), n. [Sp. estampida (in America) a stampede, estampido a crackling, akin to estampar to stamp, of German origin. See {Stamp}, v. t.] 1. A wild, headlong scamper, or running away, of a number of animals; usually caused… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stampede — /stæmˈpid / (say stam peed) noun 1. a sudden scattering or headlong flight of a body of cattle or horses in fright. 2. any headlong general flight or rush. –verb (stampeded, stampeding) –verb (i) 3. to scatter or flee in a stampede. 4. to make an …
stam|ped´er — stam|pede «stam PEED», noun, verb, ped|ed, ped|ing. –n. 1. a sudden scattering, confused rush, or headlong flight of a frightened herd, as of cattle or horses: »The cowboys could not control the stampede. 2. Figurative. any headlong flight of a… … Useful english dictionary
stam|pede — «stam PEED», noun, verb, ped|ed, ped|ing. –n. 1. a sudden scattering, confused rush, or headlong flight of a frightened herd, as of cattle or horses: »The cowboys could not control the stampede. 2. Figurative. any headlong flight of a large group … Useful english dictionary