uncollected funds

uncollected funds
неинкассированные суммы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "uncollected funds" в других словарях:

  • Uncollected Funds — The amount of a bank deposit that comes from checks that have yet to be cleared by the bank from which the checks are drawn. Essentially, uncollected funds are sums of money that the bank needs to account for prior to releasing the funds to the… …   Investment dictionary

  • uncollected funds — The amount of bank deposits in the form of checks that have not yet been paid by the banks on which the checks are drawn. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • uncollected funds —   fondi non accreditati   Fondi di denaro per i quali esiste, nel sistema contabile di una banca, una registrazione ma che ancora non sono stati effettivamente raccolti. Per es. il versamento di assegni prima che sia trascorso il periodo di… …   Glossario di economia e finanza

  • uncollected funds — /ˌʌnkəlektɪd fʌndz/ plural noun deposits which have not yet cleared through the clearing system and so cannot be drawn on …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • uncollected funds — A credit, such as an increase in the balance of a checking or other deposit account in a bank, that is given on the basis of a check or other right to payment that has not been paid by the drawee or other payer …   Black's law dictionary

  • Advance-fee fraud — African sting An advance fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain.[1] Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also… …   Wikipedia

  • Average Collected Balance — The average balance of collected funds (less any uncleared or uncollected deposits) in a bank account over a specified period, usually one month. The average collected balance is calculated by adding the daily collected balance and… …   Investment dictionary

  • Bank fraud — is the use of fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offense. While the specific elements of a particular banking fraud law vary between… …   Wikipedia

  • World Finance Corporation — (abbreviated WFC; it was later renamed simply WFC Corp.) was a financial corporation founded in 1971 and headquartered in Coral Gables Florida. When WFC Corp was headed and controlled by Guillermo Hernandez Cartaya (a former Cuban banker who was… …   Wikipedia

  • check–kiting — check–kit·ing / chek ˌkī tiŋ/ n: the practice of drawing on uncollected funds during the time needed to clear a check deposited in a bank esp. if the check is worthless – called also kiting; ◇ Check kiting typically works this way: a check drawn… …   Law dictionary

  • kite — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cȳta; akin to Middle High German kūze owl Date: before 12th century 1. any of various usually small hawks (family Accipitridae) with long narrow wings and often a notched or forked tail 2. a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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