unclear — I adjective ambiguous, blurred, blurry, clouded, cloudy, confused, difficult to comprehend, difficult to understand, dim, equivocal, faint, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, ill defined, illegible, imperspicuous, incomprehensible, inconspicuous, indistinct,… … Law dictionary
unclear — c.1300, not easy to understand, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + CLEAR (Cf. clear) (adj.). Cf. M.Du. onclaer, Du. onklaar, Ger. unklar, O.N. uklarr, Dan. uklar, Swed. oklar. Of persons, in sense of uncertain, doubtful, it is recorded from … Etymology dictionary
unclear — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not easy to see, hear, or understand. 2) not obvious, definite, or certain … English terms dictionary
unclear — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
unclear — un|clear [ ʌn klır ] adjective * not obvious, definite, or easy to understand: The police say the motive for the attack is still unclear. it is unclear what/why/who etc.: It is unclear who fired the first shot. be unclear about/as to something to … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unclear */ — UK [ʌnˈklɪə(r)] / US [ʌnˈklɪr] adjective not obvious, definite, or easy to understand Police say the motive for the attack is still unclear. it is unclear what/why/who etc: It is unclear who fired the first shot. • be unclear about/as to… … English dictionary
unclear — [[t]ʌ̱nklɪ͟ə(r)[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft it v link ADJ wh If something is unclear, it is not known or not certain. It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island s population... Just what the soldier was doing in … English dictionary
unclear — un|clear [ˌʌnˈklıə US ˈklır] adj 1.) difficult to understand or be sure about, so that there is doubt or confusion ▪ The terms of the contract are very unclear. 2.) be unclear about sth to not understand something clearly ▪ I m rather unclear… … Dictionary of contemporary English
unclear — adjective 1 difficult to understand or be sure about, so that there is doubt or confusion: The terms of the contract are very unclear. 2 be unclear about to not understand something clearly: I m rather unclear about what I m supposed to be doing… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unclear — adj. Unclear is used with these nouns: ↑answer, ↑law, ↑reason … Collocations dictionary
unclear — [ʌnˈklɪə] adj not obvious, definite, or easy to understand • be unclear about/as to sth to not understand something, or to not be certain about something[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English