Смотреть что такое "unclasped" в других словарях:
unclasped — v. open the clasp of; unfasten; release the grasp; become unclasped … English contemporary dictionary
unclasped — adjective Not clasped … Wiktionary
unclasped — … Useful english dictionary
The King of Love — is an Italian fairy tale collected by Thomas Frederick Crane in Italian Popular Tales . [Thomas Frederick Crane, Italian Popular Tales , [http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/eastsunwestmoon/stories/kinglove.html The King of Love ] ] It is Aarne… … Wikipedia
unclench — Date: 1647 transitive verb 1. to open from a clenched position 2. to release from a grip intransitive verb to become unclasped or relaxed … New Collegiate Dictionary
Galanthis — In Greek mythology, Galanthis (or Galinthias) was the red gold haired servant of Alcmene, who assisted her during the birth of Heracles. When Alcmene was in labor, she was having difficulty giving birth to a child so large. After seven days she… … Wikipedia
Quoit (brooch) — The quoit is a type of brooch (often circular) popular during Saxon times. It was affixed with a single, straight, unclasped pin. It is thought to be an evolutionary link between Roman belt devices and the modern belt buckle … Wikipedia
Brassiere designs — A wide range of styles of brassieres now exists, to be worn in a variety of situations, and with a variety of outergarments. The degree of shaping and coverage of the breasts varies between styles, varying in both functionality and fashion,… … Wikipedia
unclasp — /un klasp , klahsp /, v.t. 1. to undo the clasp or clasps of; unfasten. 2. to release from the grasp: to unclasp a sword handle. v.i. 3. to become unclasped, as the hands or arms. 4. to release or relax the grasp. [1520 30; UN 2 + CLASP] * * * … Universalium
Galinthias — ▪ Greek mythology Latin Galanthis in Greek mythology, a friend (or servant) of Alcmene, the mother of Zeus s son Heracles (Hercules). When Alcmene was in labour, Zeus s jealous wife, Hera, sent her daughter Eileithyia, the goddess of… … Universalium
loose — I (disconnected) adjective detached, free, freed, liberated, separate, suggestive, unattached, unbound, unchained, unclasped, unconnected, unfastened, unlatched, unlocked, unrestrained, untethered, untied II (inexact) adjective abstruse, careless … Law dictionary