Uncap — Un*cap , v. t. [1st pref. un + cap.] To remove a cap or cover from. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uncap — [unkap′] vt. uncapped, uncapping 1. to remove the cap from the head of (a person) 2. to remove the cap, or cover, from (a bottle, etc.) … English World dictionary
uncap — verb Uncap is used with these nouns as the object: ↑pen … Collocations dictionary
Uncap o Uncapping — Uncapping o Uncap son técnicas para poder modificar la configuración de un cable modem que originalmente viene bloqueado de fábrica (actualizar firmware, modificar parámetros, HFC Mac Address, Config File, etc.). Esta técnica es usada con fines… … Wikipedia Español
uncap — /un kap /, v., uncapped, uncapping. v.t. 1. to remove a cap or cover from (a bottle, container, etc.). 2. to free from limits or restrictions: The union is demanding that cost of living allowances be uncapped. 3. to remove a cap or hat from (the… … Universalium
uncap — verb /ʌnˈkæp/ To remove a cap or cover from … Wiktionary
Uncap — Открывать; снимать крышку; Менять прописные знаки на строчные … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
uncap — v. remove a cap; remove a hat; remove a cover … English contemporary dictionary
uncap — verb (uncaps, uncapping, uncapped) 1》 remove the cap or cover from. 2》 remove a limit from (a price, rate, etc.) … English new terms dictionary
uncap — un·cap … English syllables
uncap — [c]/ʌnˈkæp/ (say un kap) verb (uncapped, uncapping) –verb (t) 1. to remove a cap from (the head of a person). 2. to remove a cap, lid, or cover from. –verb (i) 3. to remove a cap from one s head, as in respect. {un 2 + cap1} …