Смотреть что такое "unbundled" в других словарях:
unbundled — unbundle UK US /ˌʌnˈbʌndl/ verb [T] COMMERCE, MARKETING ► to divide a business into separate parts: »The gas company will unbundle its three businesses storage, connection and metering. ► to start to sell a product or service separately when… … Financial and business terms
unbundled — /un bun dld/, adj. (of related products or services) sold separately rather than as a package: unbundled financial services. [1965 70; UNBUNDLE + ED2] * * * … Universalium
unbundled — /un bun dld/, adj. (of related products or services) sold separately rather than as a package: unbundled financial services. [1965 70; UNBUNDLE + ED2] … Useful english dictionary
Unbundled Access — is required in the United States Telecommunications Act of 1996 that incumbent local exchange carriers (LEC) have to provide competing telecommunications carriers with access to individual elements of the LEC s own network on an unbundled basis.… … Wikipedia
Unbundled Network Element — Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) are a requirement mandated by the United States Telecommunications Act of 1996. They are the parts of the telecommunications network that the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) are required to offer on an… … Wikipedia
unbundled legal services — The provision of legal services by an attorney who does not represent the client or take over the entire case, but performs specific services such as appearing at one hearing, preparing a legal brief, or negotiating a settlement after the client… … Law dictionary
Unbundled Life Insurance Policy — A type of financial protection plan that provides cash to beneficiaries upon the policyholder s death. A unbundled life insurance policy contains a savings and investment component that the policyholder can use during his or her lifetime or pass… … Investment dictionary
unbundled — v. unwrap, remove from a package; disclose, reveal; charge a separate fee for a product and accompanying services (Computers); price products separately (rather than as a package deal) … English contemporary dictionary
unbundled — un•bun•dled [[t]ʌnˈbʌn dld[/t]] adj. bus (of related products or services) sold separately rather than as a package • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
unbundled — /ʌnˈbʌndld/ (say un bundld) adjective (of related products and services) sold separately rather than as a package deal …
unbundled — Various elements of a system, including services, equipment, software, and training are sold separately … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations