
разобрать по кирпичу (стену) выпустить, освободить

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unbrick" в других словарях:

  • unbrick — verb a) To reopen something bricked up. My folks are off playing golf, and Marcis going to that Summer Fun thing at the school. Which means well have plenty of time to unbrick that door and see whats behind it. b) To repair a device that was… …   Wiktionary

  • unbrick — /ʌnˈbrɪk/ (say un brik) verb (t) 1. to remove bricks from, as to set free. 2. to reveal; free. {un 2 + brick} …  

  • unbrick — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brick (electronics) — When used in reference to electronics, brick describes a device that cannot function in any capacity (such as a machine with damaged firmware). This usage derives from the fact that most electronic devices are vaguely brick… …   Wikipedia

  • brick — 1. noun /brɪk/ a) A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc., used for building. This wall is made of bricks. b) Considered collectively, as a building material. This house is made of brick. 2 …   Wiktionary

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