unbounded sequence

unbounded sequence
мат. неограниченная последовательность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unbounded sequence" в других словарях:

  • Unbounded nondeterminism — In computer science, unbounded nondeterminism or unbounded indeterminacy is a property of concurrency by which the amount of delay in servicing a request can become unbounded as a result of arbitration of contention for shared resources while… …   Wikipedia

  • Tail sequence — In mathematics, specifically set theory, a tail sequence is an unbounded sequence of contiguous ordinals. Formally, let beta; be a limit ordinal. Then a gamma; sequence s equiv langle s {alpha}| alpha < gamma angle is a tail sequence in beta; if… …   Wikipedia

  • Ducci sequence — A Ducci sequence is a sequence of n tuples of integers. Given an n tuple of integers (a1,a2,...,an), the next n tuple in the sequence is formed by taking the absolute differences of neighbouring integers: Another way of describing this is as… …   Wikipedia

  • Real closed field — In mathematics, a real closed field is a field F in which any of the following equivalent conditions are true:#There is a total order on F making it an ordered field such that, in this ordering, every positive element of F is a square in F and… …   Wikipedia

  • Tail (disambiguation) — Tail describes the rear portion of an animal s body, especially as a flexible appendage.Tail may also refer to: * Tail (Unix), a Unix program used to display the last few lines of a file * Tails (Lisa Loeb album), a 1994 album by Lisa Loeb * Tail …   Wikipedia

  • Ordinal number — This article is about the mathematical concept. For number words denoting a position in a sequence ( first , second , third , etc.), see Ordinal number (linguistics). Representation of the ordinal numbers up to ωω. Each turn of the spiral… …   Wikipedia

  • Hilbert space — For the Hilbert space filling curve, see Hilbert curve. Hilbert spaces can be used to study the harmonics of vibrating strings. The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Club set — In mathematics, particularly in mathematical logic and set theory, a club set is a subset of a limit ordinal which is closed under the order topology, and is unbounded relative to the limit ordinal. The name club is a contraction of closed and… …   Wikipedia

  • automata theory — Body of physical and logical principles underlying the operation of any electromechanical device (an automaton) that converts information input in one form into another, or into some action, according to an algorithm. Norbert Wiener and Alan M.… …   Universalium

  • Turing machine — For the test of artificial intelligence, see Turing test. For the instrumental rock band, see Turing Machine (band). Turing machine(s) Machina Universal Turing machine Alternating Turing machine Quantum Turing machine Read only Turing machine… …   Wikipedia

  • XML Schema — XML Schema, abgekürzt XSD, ist eine Empfehlung des W3C zum Definieren von Strukturen für XML Dokumente. Anders als bei den klassischen XML DTDs wird die Struktur in Form eines XML Dokuments beschrieben. Darüber hinaus wird eine große Anzahl von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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