unapproachable — [adj1] unfriendly aloof, chilly*, cold, cool, distant, frigid, hesitant, inaccessible, remote, reserved, standoffish, uncommunicative, unsociable, withdrawn; concepts 404,555 Ant. approachable, friendly unapproachable [adj2] difficult to get to… … New thesaurus
unapproachable — I adjective aloof, austere, beyond reach, distant, far off, faraway, forbidding, formidable, impregnable, inaccessible, inaffable, incomparable, inimitable, matchless, nongreganous, out of reach, out of the way, peerless, rari aditus, remote,… … Law dictionary
unapproachable — (adj.) 1580s, of places, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + APPROACHABLE (Cf. approachable). Of persons, distant, aloof, attested from 1848. Related: Unapproachably … Etymology dictionary
unapproachable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not welcoming or friendly … English terms dictionary
unapproachable — [un΄ə prōch′ə bəl] adj. 1. not to be approached; inaccessible; aloof 2. having no rival or equal; unmatched unapproachability n. unapproachableness unapproachably adv … English World dictionary
unapproachable — unapproachability, unapproachableness, n. unapproachably, adv. /un euh proh cheuh beuhl/, adj. 1. not capable of being approached; remote; unreachable: an unapproachable spot; an unapproachable person. 2. impossible to equal or rival:… … Universalium
unapproachable — [[t]ʌ̱nəpro͟ʊtʃəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as unapproachable, you mean that they seem to be difficult to talk to and not very friendly. She was somewhat unapproachable but I m sure she wanted to be friendly. Ant: approachable … English dictionary
unapproachable — adjective 1) unapproachable islands Syn: inaccessible, unreachable, remote, out of the way, isolated, far flung, off the beaten track/path; informal in the middle of nowhere, in the sticks, in the boondocks Ant: accessible 2) her boss a … Thesaurus of popular words
unapproachable — adjective seeming unfriendly and therefore difficult to talk to: Jo appeared, looking grim and unapproachable … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unapproachable — adjective Date: 1581 1. not approachable ; physically inaccessible 2. discouraging intimacies ; reserved • unapproachability noun • unapproachably adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
unapproachable — adjective a) aloof and not friendly b) not accessible or able to be reached … Wiktionary